
talented是什么意思 talented在线翻译 talented什么意思 talented的意思 talented的翻译 talented的解释 talented的发音 talented的同义词

talented [ˈtæləntɪd]  [ˈtæləntəd] 

比较级:more talented最高级:most talented

talented 基本解释

形容词有才能的,有才干的; 能干的

talented 反义词



talented 相关例句


1. He is a very talented actor.

talented 情景对话


A:Who’s your favorite actor?

B:Tom Cruise, of course!

A:You’ve got to be kidding me! He’s horrible!

B:He may be a strange person in real life, but he’s a talented actor.


A:He used to be. He was good in Rain Man, Jerry McGuire, and Cocktail. But the films he’s done recently aren’t worth seeing.


B:Do you mean that you didn’t like Mission Impossible III?


A:That’s exactly what I mean. I actually left the theater halfway through the film!

B:Who’s your favorite actor?

A:I like John Cusack.


B:What’s your favorite John Cusack’s film?


A:I like one of his older ones, Say Anything. Have you seen it?


B:Sure, that’s a good film.

A:Some people say that he always plays the same role. Do you think that makes him a bad actor?


B:Not necessarily. Maybe he just knows what he does well and sticks withthat.


A:Regardless, I think he’s great.

talented 网络解释

1. 人才:我们以HETD -- 诚实(Honest),努力(Efficient),人才(Talented),发展(Developing)为训,紧密团结,高效工作,协调发展. 真诚希望与新老客户有进一步的合作,共创美好明天!

2. 才能:美国联邦教育署谓:资赋优异(gifted)和特殊才能(talented)儿童,是指经由专家鉴定,有优异能力及杰出表现,需要接受特别的教育计画者(Marland, 1972). 我国特殊教育法(2004)所称资赋优异,系指在一般智能、学术性向、艺术才能、创造能力、领导能力及其他特殊才能等六类,

3. 天赋模板编辑器:多物品链接显示manyitemtooltips | 天赋模板编辑器talented | 宝石及附魔名称提示jeweltips

talented 词典解释

1. 天资聪颖的;天赋高的
    Someone who is talented has a natural ability to do something well.

    e.g. Howard is a talented pianist...
    e.g. She has a huge army of young fans, and is extremely talented.

talented 单语例句

1. Drogba is by far the most prolific striker on a team full of talented attackers.

2. He's very talented and I hope he can make it to the top 20.

3. Here's hoping these talented artists can outlast their growing pains and give us some eye candy worth drooling over.

4. Multinational companies can also cash in on other factors like developed infrastructure, talented human capital and open investment environment.

5. At the same time, she wrote a blog to provide career tips to talented young Chinese.

6. Hong Kong actress Carina Lau will compete with her talented husband Tony Leung in the coming winter holiday season.

7. A fruitful 2009 has brought sufficient cash flow to many, and now talented people have become the most prominent demand for Chinese companies.

8. Chinese businessmen seem extremely talented when it comes to cashing in on almost every national scandal and crisis.

9. A good many talented tenors and sopranos will sing in the concert.

10. She tends to be talented and adaptive, spotting opportunities even outside the province - and she is into fashion.

talented 英英释义


1. endowed with talent or talents

    e.g. a gifted writer

    Synonym: gifted

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