
talking是什么意思 talking在线翻译 talking什么意思 talking的意思 talking的翻译 talking的解释 talking的发音 talking的同义词 talking的反义词

talking ['tɔ:kɪŋ]  ['tɔ:kɪŋ] 


talking 基本解释

名词讲话; (表示对所说的事情感兴趣) 你这话说着了; 提起; 说到

形容词会说话的; 讲话的; 饶舌的; 富于表情的

动词说话; 讨论; 说( talk的现在分词 ); (用以强调款额、情况严重程度等)讲的是


talking 情景对话



A:You know what I’m talking about?

B:I think so.

The First Class-(第一堂课)


A:Today I had my first English class.

B:How was it?

A:It was interesting.The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language. First, stop talking anything except English. Then learn many complete sentences by heart.Finally, have American friends tell us how they say things we have trouble with, and always imitate them.


A:I’m sorry, Sam. I don’t want to go to the folk concert.


B:How about going to the theatre?


A:I don’t like going to the theatre.


B:Well, what do you like doing?

A:Travelling, swimming, going to the cinema. And you?

B:I like painting, sailing, watching football and talking to you.

A:I like talking to you, too.

B:Do you want to go to an exhibition? There is one at the Xinghai Exhibition Hall tomorrow.

A:That’s a good idea.

talking 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 谈天说地:文章主题: [合集] [申请](taiwan)申请谈天说地(talking) 版版主(副)标 题: [合集] [申请](taiwan)申请谈天说地(talking) 版版主(副)标 题: Re: [合集] [申请](taiwan)申请谈天说地(talking) 版版主(副)

2. 講話:据她们说是因为她们喜欢一边走路(Walking)一边讲话(Talking)而且人的Talking是上半身,Wakling是下半身二者组合起来才是一个人,就像她们组合成二重唱一样都不可以少了谁,如此才是完整的锦绣!

talking 双语例句

1. talking的翻译

1. You are talking to me in a cheerless voice.

2. ON ALPERT: Well, we're interested in talking with the Chinese government, because we didn't make this film to poke them in the eye.
    A :我们很有兴趣和中共谈谈,因为我们并不是想拿这个片子来指戳他们的脊梁骨。

3. talking

3. A lot of people are talking about a Facebook app that lets you solicit anonymous feedback from people who know you.

4. I am out of my element when people start talking about art.

5. I would not be sitting here wearing a necktie and talking to a foreigner.

6. I thought I was talking to the last empress dowager of China.

7. I'm not talking about my record.

8. talking

8. I remember once talking to a boy from the village, who envied us for living in such a fine manor house.

9. talking是什么意思

9. This is your country, I don't know what you are talking about.

10. talking的解释

10. I don't have enough time to waste talking to you!

11. I've done enough talking about it!

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. I dont have enough time to waste talking to you!

13. talking的反义词

13. Don't have enough time to waste talking to you.

14. Thanks, but I think I've done enough talking for one night.

15. I don`t have enough time to waste talking to you.

16. talking的意思

16. Vanessa: I think I've done enough talking for one night.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. Ah, now you're talking turkey!

18. We'll let you assign the roles, but we're talking about Kevin Garnett vs.
      我们会让你分配角色的,但我们现在是在谈论加内特 VS 邓肯。

19. With Pepe we are also really happy with him and we are talking with his agent.

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

20. Benitez said: I have been talking about how good Pepe is for a very long time.

talking 单语例句

1. I like to be able to stand up and look a man in the eye when I'm talking business.

2. But then we are talking about modern life that this northern part of Gansu Province is not known for.

3. After giving referee Joey Crawford an earful over the last minute, he kept talking while walking off the court after the final buzzer.

4. She began to heal by talking openly about her weight loss to strangers.

5. A long silence ensues, during which somebody on the other end of the call is talking.

6. The cop who took the call happened to know him and convinced him to surrender after talking to him for an hour.

7. What we're talking about is some increased movement in the exchange rate, ''Dunaway said during a conference call.

8. Campus supervisor Kim Lee Fields responded to a call of shots being fired and also began talking to the teen.

9. Some reporters speak Cantonese when talking to deputies or members from Hong Kong and Macao, hoping to dig some exclusive news.

10. Besson is as carefree as a child when talking about box office and the Oscars, unlike many other directors.

talking 英英释义


1. an exchange of ideas via conversation

    e.g. let's have more work and less talk around here

    Synonym: talk

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