
tally是什么意思 tally在线翻译 tally什么意思 tally的意思 tally的翻译 tally的解释 tally的发音 tally的同义词 tally的反义词 tally的例句

tally [ˈtæli]  [ˈtæli] 


tally 基本解释

名词计数器; 标签; 记账

及物动词测量,计数; 通过做记号记录; 加标签于; 使符合,使吻合

不及物动词符合,吻合; 记录,计分

tally 相关例句


1. He tallied his own marks.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. His account of the accident tallied with hers.

2. Your account tallies with mine.


1. Our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally.

2. He added to his tally in the last minute.

tally 网络解释

1. tally

1. 理货:保险费,关税和预期利润等. 保险金额(insured amount)是保险人依据保险合同所应承担的最高赔偿金额,也是计算保险费的基础. 货运事故可分为全部损失(total loss)和部分损失(partial loss一、理货(tally)的概念和意义

2. 符木:同样,在人们相信因果报应(Karma),相信符木(Tally)威力的地方,为了在来世报答和赎罪,灵魂可以延续下去,他们在今世的形体,很难看作是一个体现了其全部潜力的自我满足的整体.

3. 记录:任何在一路输入流中的反常行为都会引起一个清晰可辨认的、用户可配置的屏幕显示或GPI 的故障警报信息,立即通知操作员潜在的问题. 双插槽的7765AVM-4 和7765AVM-4A 卡都可以安装在Evertz's 7700FR-C 主机里. 在数据源信息上有用户可配置的出错记录(tally)指示器

4. 播出,提示,插入:Talkback 对讲,联络 | Tally 播出,提示,插入 | Tap 电流输出,节拍

tally 词典解释

1. 账目;积分;得分
    A tally is a record of amounts or numbers which you keep changing and adding to as the activity which affects it progresses.


    e.g. They do not keep a tally of visitors to the palace, but it is very popular...
    e.g. The final tally was 817 votes for her and 731 for Mr Lee.
           最后得出的票数是她 817 票,李先生 731 票。

2. 与…一致;与…相同;与…吻合
    If one number or statement tallies with another, they agree with each other or are exactly the same. You can also say that two numbers or statements tally .

    e.g. Its own estimate of three hundred tallies with that of another survey...
           其估计数目 300 与另一项调查的结果相吻合。
    e.g. This description didn't seem to tally with what we saw...

3. 计算;合计;清点
    If you tally numbers, items, or totals, you count them.


    e.g. ...as we tally the number of workers who have been laid off this year...
    e.g. When the final numbers are tallied, sales will almost certainly have fallen.

tally 单语例句


1. Wall Street traders who were tracking the tally on television began to buy in, sending up the index.

2. The Basic Law requires the SAR's political development to tally with the actual situation in the territory.

3. Participants can add to the running tally shown on the display every time they press the face that suits their mood.

4. A higher death toll is expected once officials tally casualties in other areas of West Sumatra province where communications and roads have been severed.

5. Maguire has been arguably snooker's most consistent performer this season and is determined to add to his career tally of three ranking titles.

6. The Senate tally Wednesday put the ban 18 votes short of the 67 required for approval of a constitutional amendment.

7. Although there's no previous national figure available, so many cities set records that the countrywide tally is considered to be the record.

8. " I do not believe'success'is about the medal tally, " Craven said.

9. The performance took Phelps'current tally of individual world records to five, to go with three relay world records.

10. Romario admits that his tally includes goals scored in youth team, friendly and testimonial games but this failed to dampen the celebrations.

tally 英英释义



1. a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely

    e.g. the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th
           their first tally came in the 3rd inning

    Synonym: run

2. the act of counting
    reciting numbers in ascending order

    e.g. the counting continued for several hours

    Synonym: countcountingnumerationenumerationreckoning

3. a bill for an amount due

    Synonym: reckoning



1. determine the sum of

    e.g. Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town

    Synonym: totaltottot upsumsum upsummatetote upaddadd togetheradd up

2. keep score, as in games

    Synonym: chalk up

3. gain points in a game

    e.g. The home team scored many times
           He hit a home run
           He hit .300 in the past season

    Synonym: scorehitrack up

4. be compatible, similar or consistent
    coincide in their characteristics

    e.g. The two stories don't agree in many details
           The handwriting checks with the signature on the check
           The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun

    Synonym: matchfitcorrespondcheckjibegibeagree

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