
tart是什么意思 tart在线翻译 tart什么意思 tart的意思 tart的翻译 tart的解释 tart的发音 tart的同义词 tart的反义词 tart的例句 tart的相关词组

tart [tɑ:t]  [tɑ:rt] 


tart 基本解释

形容词尖刻的; 酸的,辛辣的; 严厉的

名词果馅饼; 轻佻的女人; 妓女; 小妞


tart 相关例句


1. These apples are a bit tart.

2. tart的近义词

2. That was a tart answer.


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1. The old man tarted up his shop so much that I couldn't recognize it.

2. I wish she would not tart herself up for the party.


1. Every guy in class thinks he's in love with that little tart.

tart 网络解释

1. 酸的:单宁会产生收敛的口感,做为天然的防腐剂,有利于葡萄酒的存储和陈化. 尖酸的(Tart)酸度过高引起的尖锐口感. 品种(Variety)酿造葡萄酒所使用的葡萄的种类. 年标(Vintage)葡萄采摘和酿制葡萄酒的年份.

2. 挞/塔:挞/塔(Tart)应该是西点的入门级作品,但向来不按常理出牌的我居然在玩了快9个月烘焙时才有机会第一次尝试挞~挞/塔(Tart)应该是西点的入门级作品, ...

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3. 塔:按形状的不同则可分为派(pie)、塔(tart)、酥饼(flan)、馅饼(pasty). 大体而言,上面有面皮覆盖,而底是派皮(crust)制成的,称为派. 而塔和酥饼,则是上面没有面皮覆盖,而底为派皮的开放式派. 而份量较大的塔则称为馅饼(在南欧和西亚有某些种类的馅饼比塔还小,

tart 词典解释

1. (尤指甜心的)果馅饼
    A tart is a shallow pastry case with a filling of food, especially sweet food.


    e.g. ...jam tarts.
    e.g. ...a slice of home-made tart.

2. (水果等)味道浓烈的,味儿冲的
    If something such as fruit is tart, it has a sharp taste.

    e.g. The blackberries were a bit too tart on their own, so we stewed them gently with some apples.
    e.g. ...a slightly tart wine.

3. (言语)尖刻的,尖酸的,刻薄的
    A tart remark or way of speaking is sharp and unpleasant, often in a way that is rather cruel.

    e.g. The words were more tart than she had intended...
    e.g. Lyle, I'm sure, would have had a very tart comment to make about this new social trend.

'There are other patients on the ward, Lovell,' the staff nurse reminded her tartly.

4. 淫妇;荡妇;妓女
    If someone refers to a woman or girl as a tart, they are criticizing her because they think she is sexually immoral or dresses in a way that makes her look sexually immoral.


    e.g. He was nasty about my appearance. If I dressed up he'd say I looked like a tart.

相关词组:tart up

tart 单语例句


1. The meal was finished with a very tempting pecan praline tart with caramel ice cream, which is likely to make you feel guilty but eat on.

2. The lemon tart tastes like a tart but cleverly encapsulated in an edible lemon rind that is soaked in vanilla syrup for 36 hours.

3. Putin's remarks seemed particularly cordial given his tart response last week to a comment that Obama made about him in an interview.

4. Tender turnip slivers are crisp and fresh, while the smashed cucumber batons soak up a tart and tasty dressing.

5. These turned out to be rose apples - slightly tart, faintly perfumed and unexpectedly crunchy compared to other tropical fruits hawked on the island.

6. It can vary from steamed dumplings and steamed dishes, to fried or baked items such as the famous egg custard tart.

7. The lowly egg tart has its origin in the English custard pie.

8. Partying pop tart Britney Spears is reportedly selling a whole load of her old crap online.

9. A divine combination of caramelized apples and homemade sweet pastry, this tart is a favorite of many French and Europeans.

10. The dessert I ordered was chocolate tart - and again, it was the most delicious I ever tasted.

tart 英英释义


1. a pastry cup with a filling of fruit or custard and no top crust

2. a small open pie with a fruit filling

3. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money

    Synonym: prostitutecocottewhoreharlotbawdcyprianfancy womanworking girlsporting ladylady of pleasurewoman of the street


1. harsh

    e.g. sharp criticism
           a sharp-worded exchange
           a tart remark

    Synonym: sharpsharp-worded

2. tasting sour like a lemon

    Synonym: lemonylemonlikesourishtangy

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