
teaching是什么意思 teaching在线翻译 teaching什么意思 teaching的意思 teaching的翻译 teaching的解释 teaching的发音 teaching的同义词

teaching [ˈti:tʃɪŋ]  [ˈtitʃɪŋ] 


teaching 基本解释

名词教学; 教义; 所教的东西; 学说

形容词教学的; 教导的

动词教育; 教书; 教( teach的现在分词); 训练

teaching 相关例句


1. His teachings still exert a strong influence.

2. She's planning to go into teaching.

teaching 情景对话


B:How do you rate yourself as a professional?
      你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢 ?


A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent./With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well.
      凭借我 良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。/依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。

teaching 网络解释

1. teaching的反义词

1. 教学:詹森(EricJensen)的<<超级教学>>( Teaching). 你想更多地了解你的大脑,就试试读罗伯特?奥恩斯坦(Robert Ornstein)和理 查德?汤普森(Richard F. Thompson)合著的<<奇妙的大脑>>(The Amazing Brain)、布莱恩?摩根和罗伯特?

2. teaching

2. 教育:), 它所探讨的,并不仅仅是现代教育制度,对孩子的教育(teaching)和培养(molding), 而更是一个人的性格与对待人生的态度,他对于成功和道德底线的权衡. . . 看完了它,你会禁不住地怀疑,高洁的品格,与成功的人生到底有联系么?

3. 训练:协助被教练者发挥潜力,达到目标. 员工不知为何而做?也显示出主管的教练(Coaching)功能没有充分发挥. 叶庭君观察到当今很多主管都只做训练(Teaching),有些主管甚至连Teaching都没做,只给员工一个目标,让员工埋头苦干.

teaching 词典解释

1. 教学;教书
    Teaching is the work that a teacher does in helping students to learn.

    e.g. The Government funds university teaching.
    e.g. ...the teaching of English in schools.

2. 教义;教导;学说
    The teachings of a particular person, group of people, or religion are all the ideas and principles that they teach.

    e.g. ...the teachings of Jesus.
    e.g. ...their teachings on sexuality and marriage.

teaching 单语例句

1. US female business English tutor, experienced at teaching senior business executives.

2. International internship for students and teaching English in China is big business and can be expensive.

3. However, he fears that the language teaching business as a whole has started to ossify.

4. He believes management and business education in China has attempted to adopt US ideas but is often dragged down by traditional Chinese teaching methods.

5. The centre of the professors'daily work has shifted from teaching to research, publishing papers and even making use of their academic advantages to do business.

6. According to the draft teaching plan Entrepreneurship Foundations released by the Ministry of Education, the course requires no less than two credit units and 32 hours.

7. She then learned about sewing and making clothes for her dog by downloading teaching materials from the Internet and through much trial and error.

8. The young students coached by Isaac Stern during his visit to China in 1979 have all developed successful careers in performing or teaching.

9. And several prelates promised to call out Catholic policy makers on their failures to follow church teaching.

10. Some experts believe public cultural institutions such as art museums and art centres should play a more active role in teaching children about art.

teaching 英英释义



1. the activities of educating or instructing
    activities that impart knowledge or skill

    e.g. he received no formal education
           our instruction was carefully programmed
           good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded

    Synonym: educationinstructionpedagogydidacticseducational activity

2. the profession of a teacher

    e.g. he prepared for teaching while still in college
           pedagogy is recognized as an important profession

    Synonym: instructionpedagogy

3. a doctrine that is taught

    e.g. the teachings of religion
           he believed all the Christian precepts

    Synonym: preceptcommandment

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