
tenderness是什么意思 tenderness在线翻译 tenderness什么意思 tenderness的意思 tenderness的翻译 tenderness的解释 tenderness的发音 tenderness的同义词

tenderness ['tendənɪs]  [ˈtɛndɚnɪs] 

tenderness 基本解释

名词亲切; 柔软; 温和; 心软难处理


tenderness 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 压痛:2.压痛(tenderness) 乳房的某一区域压痛提示其下有炎症存在. 月经期乳房亦较 敏感,而恶性病变则甚少出现压痛. 3.包块(masses) 如有包块存在应注意下列特征. (1)部位(.10catiort):必须指明包块的确切部位. 一般包块的定位方法是以乳头为中 心,

2. 嫩度:肉品嫩度(Tenderness)是肉的主要食用品质之一,它是消费者评判肉质优劣的最常用指标. 肉品嫩度是指肉在食用时口感的老嫩,反映了肉的质地(texture),由肌肉中各种蛋白质结构特性决定[1]. 由肌肉转变为可食性肉,到最后的嫩化成熟是一个复杂过程.

3. 触痛:5、能找出SIJ上的硬块(stiffness)和触痛(tenderness),将髂骨向多方向矫正,是最佳治病的捷径. 6、矫正SIJ和腰椎,对治疗骨盆功能失调有很大的临床成就. 7、移位或活动受限都是决定骨盆功能失调的主因.

tenderness 单语例句

1. Pitt makes the character an intimidating figure, a capricious mix of toughness and tenderness.

2. But his view of humanity contains enough misanthropic cynicism that human tenderness escapes him.

3. In 100 minutes of wordless hilarity and tenderness, the piece explores the end we all have to face but want to ignore.

4. The big ant shrimp on this street is famous for its spicy flavor and tenderness.

5. These stewed dishes have not only the most wonderful herbal aroma and flavorful meat, this old cooking vessel also does a super job in attaining perfect tenderness.

6. The arrowroot has very calming properties and cooks to a starchy tenderness.

7. It is a traditional " soft dance " known for its skillful waist and arm moves, tenderness and flexibility.

8. " A lot of significant tenderness and pain, " Lakers spokesman John Black told the Times.

9. Reilly said most of the beef produced since September was still in storage, being aged to improve its tenderness and taste.

10. Mother's arms are made up of tenderness, and sweet sleep blesses the child who lies therein.

tenderness 英英释义


1. a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling

2. a feeling of concern for the welfare of someone (especially someone defenseless)

    Synonym: softheartedness

3. a positive feeling of liking

    e.g. he had trouble expressing the affection he felt
           the child won everyone's heart
           the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home

    Synonym: affectionaffectionatenessfondnessheartwarmnesswarmheartednessphilia

4. warm compassionate feelings

    Synonym: tenderheartedness

5. a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched)

    e.g. the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness
           after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on

    Synonym: sorenessrawness

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