
terminate是什么意思 terminate在线翻译 terminate什么意思 terminate的意思 terminate的翻译 terminate的解释 terminate的发音 terminate的同义词

terminate [ˈtɜ:mɪneɪt]  [ˈtɜ:rmɪneɪt] 


terminate 基本解释


及物/不及物动词结束; 使终结; 解雇; 到达终点站



terminate 相关例句


1. They have terminated the contract.

2. During the economic recession the factory terminated a large number of workers.


1. The conference terminated yesterday.

2. The airplane terminates here.

3. Jane's unhappy married life terminated in divorce.

terminate 网络解释

1. 终止:这些流程接口用于启动流程本身或者用于控制流程的各个方面(例如等待(wait)、终止(terminate)和补偿(compensate)). 流程所公开的 Web 服务操作在执行与该流程相关联的业务任务时,可以聚集其他的 Web 服务. 因此,

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 中止:结束窗体的事件有两个:请求关闭(QueryClose)和中止(Terminate). 请求关闭事件首先发生,并且给您取消的机会(不会关闭窗体中止事件是最终的并不能取消. 如果您不卸载窗体而只是隐藏它,然后再显示它,初始化事件不会再运行. 但是,

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 结束:eg: 访问一个四个字长15) SIGTERM 结束(terminate)信号, 与SIGKILL不同的是该信号可以被阻塞和18) SIGCONT 让一个停止(stopped)的进程继续执行. 本信号不能被阻塞. 可以用19) SIGSTOP 停止(stopped)进程的执行. 注意它和terminate以及interrupt的区别:

terminate 词典解释

1. (使)终止;(使)结束
    When you terminate something or when it terminates, it ends completely.

    e.g. Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation...
    e.g. His contract terminates at the end of the season.

...a dispute which led to the abrupt termination of trade.

2. 终止(妊娠)
    To terminate a pregnancy means to end it.


    e.g. After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy...
    e.g. In the world as a whole, about ten per cent of all pregnancies are terminated.
           从全世界看来,所有怀孕的人中约 10% 的妊娠被终止了。

You should also have a medical check-up after the termination of a pregnancy.

3. (火车、公共汽车)到达终点
    When a train or bus terminates somewhere, it ends its journey there.


    e.g. This train will terminate at Taunton.

terminate 单语例句


1. Later Huang decided to terminate their contract and was sued by Chow's company for breaking the contract.

2. She added DR did not inform employees concerning the new companies, and demanded that employees terminate agreements with the company and sign with the new companies.

3. A second infringement will permit market managers to terminate the contract and lease the stall to another vendor.

4. In September Turkey threatened to terminate its gas contract with Russia if the price was not reduced.

5. Hui said he believes consumers in cases like this should have corresponding rights to terminate subscription without penalty.

6. CSL champion Evergrande faces similar problems as several of its foreign players want to terminate their contracts before they expire.

7. The next day, 115 workers at the enterprise visited the local labor inspection office to terminate their contracts.

8. Following talks with GM, both sides have decided to discontinue discussions on the transaction and terminate their definitive agreement.

9. Those who terminate a pregnancy are subsequently more likely to give birth prematurely, with two or more abortions more than doubling the odds.

10. All that's needed is a sperm donor or a cooperative male friend who will agree to terminate parental rights when the baby is born.

terminate 英英释义


1. bring to an end or halt

    e.g. She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime
           The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I

    Synonym: end

2. terminate the employment of
    discharge from an office or position

    e.g. The boss fired his secretary today
           The company terminated 25% of its workers

    Synonym: displacefiregive noticecandismissgive the axesend awaysackforce outgive the sack

3. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense
    either spatial or metaphorical

    e.g. the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed
           Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other
           My property ends by the bushes
           The symphony ends in a pianissimo

    Synonym: endstopfinishcease

4. be the end of
    be the last or concluding part of

    e.g. This sad scene ended the movie

    Synonym: end

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