
tertiary是什么意思 tertiary在线翻译 tertiary什么意思 tertiary的意思 tertiary的翻译 tertiary的解释 tertiary的发音 tertiary的同义词

tertiary [ˈtɜ:ʃəri]  [ˈtɜ:rʃieri] 


tertiary 基本解释

形容词第三的; <医>第三期的; (T-)<地>第三纪的; <化>叔的

名词第三系; (T-)<地>第三纪; 三期梅毒病害; <宗>第三级教士


tertiary 网络解释

1. tertiary什么意思

1. 第三纪:第4大海洋:始新世 (Eocene) 的海洋始新世(Eocene),为第三纪(Tertiary)所分五个地质时代中次老之一时代,约距今5300万年~距今3650万年. 该时期,现代哺乳动物的所有门类都已出现,其地层在世界上广泛分布. 始新世的开始以奇蹄类和偶蹄类动物的出现为标志.

2. 三次:1、施行于孕妇的第一次剖宫产术,称为 首次剖宫产术(primary CS),以后再施行手术按顺序称为 二次(secondary)、三次(tertiary)剖宫产术,或简称为重复(再次)剖宫产术(repeated CS).

3. 三级:prevention in mental health 定义缩小到聚焦在心理卫生的范围,可分为初级(primary)预防、次级(secondary)预防与三级(tertiary)预防三类. 一般来说,这是心理卫生相关专业最熟悉的定义类别,以及后两者的意涵. 预防(prevention) 处遇(intervention) 治疗(treatment)

4. 第三:严谨性(Conscientiousness)维度与判研究表明,情绪智力(EI)与MBTI 的直觉(Intuition)NF 与SF 类型在关注质性(quality)与人性的环境学者的人格类型中居于第三(Tertiary)甚至最次次之分.

tertiary 词典解释

1. 第三的;第三位的;第三阶段的
    Tertiary means third in order, third in importance, or at a third stage of development.


    e.g. He must have come to know those philosophers through secondary or tertiary sources.
    e.g. ...the complementary tertiary colours, russet and olive green.

2. 高等(教育)
    Tertiary education is education at university or college level.

    e.g. ...institutions of tertiary education.
    e.g. ...Selby Tertiary College.

in AM, use 美国英语用 higher education

tertiary 单语例句

1. Nanjing University is one of the most prestigious tertiary institutions in China, and this year celebrates its centenary.

2. Cheng said that enterprises and individuals are encouraged to reduce their tax liabilities through charitable donations and participating in tertiary wealth distribution.

3. Hebei's economy relies mainly on chemical industries with high energy consumption and high emissions, and the proportion of tertiary industry in the provincial economy is relatively small.

4. We will vigorously develop tertiary industries such as modern distribution services, tourism and community services.

5. China has by international standards a very low proportion of the population in tertiary education, and yet there are constant reports of rising graduate unemployment.

6. This institution is a solid platform for USP to begin cooperation with Chinese universities, as tertiary institutions embark on cooperating with their overseas counterparts.

7. Survey respondents also cited tough competition for tertiary education entrance and the varying validity of certain degree courses as other sources of unease.

8. The programme also includes courses designed to assist rural labourers in transferring to tertiary industries.

9. Each color is dissected down to a formula combining different weights of primary, secondary and tertiary hues.

10. Tertiary industries have long accounted for around 32 per cent of the domestic economy.

tertiary 英英释义



1. coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position

    Synonym: third3rd

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