
tessellate是什么意思 tessellate在线翻译 tessellate什么意思 tessellate的意思 tessellate的翻译 tessellate的解释 tessellate的发音 tessellate的同义词

tessellate ['tesɪleɪt]  ['tesəlˌeɪt] 


tessellate 基本解释

及物动词把…镶嵌成棋盘花纹; (反复使用单一形态)使平面完全嵌合

tessellate 网络解释

1. <镶嵌编辑器>:Symmetry<对称编辑器> | Tessellate<镶嵌编辑器> | Vertex Paint<顶点着色编辑器>

2. 细化:symmetry 对称 | tessellate 细化 | vertex paint 顶点绘制

3. 镶嵌方格的:terylene 涤纶 | tessellate 镶嵌方格的 | tessellated 棋盘格的

4. tessellate是什么意思

4. 镶嵌成花纹的:tesselatedmirror 嵌和反射镜 | tessellate 镶嵌成花纹的 | tessellated 棋盘格状的 分成方格的

tessellate 双语例句

1. Select the polygon where you want to make the holes for the fan and click a few times on the tessellate button.

2. I also generated an 8-bit bump map from the last level to help me create the fine details without having to tessellate the mesh as much in Mental Ray.
    我在最后又输出了一张8位的凹凸贴图,帮助我在Mental Ray中不用tessellate来达到最后的效果。

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Leaf blades with prominently tessellate venation; bamboos of temperate habitats
    显著的叶片具棋盘格状脉序;温带的生境的竹子 8

4. tessellate什么意思

4. To minimize the rendering time for this object, applications tessellate the object to varying degrees depending on the area of the screen that it covers. This ensures that time is not wasted drawing many triangles that cover only a few pixels on the screen.
    为了最小化渲染这个物体的时间,程序根据其在屏幕上所覆盖区域的大小来进行不同程度的格网化( tessellate ?)。

5. Geometric optical theory and the tessellate scheme were used to develop an algorithm for creating virtual optical-mapping objects for both reflections and refractions that can render specular reflections and refractions in object space.

6. Culm sheaths purple or purple-brown; leaf blades conspicuously tessellate
    竿箨紫色或紫色棕色;叶片显著棋盘格状 26

7. Cm; sepals connate beyond attachment to ovary, abaxially glabrous; tube subcylindric, 1-1.5 × 0.8-1 cm, not constricted at throat, adaxially tessellate, orifice ring less than 1 mm wide; lobes broadly ovate, 0.5-0.7 × 0.5-0.7 cm, base smooth.
    花序梗上升,花萼深紫色,圆筒状到钟状,1.5-2.5 1-2 厘米*约1厘米萼片合生超过贴生的子房,背面无毛;筒部近圆筒状,1-1.5 * 0.8-1 厘米,并非缢缩的在喉部,正面棋盘格状,开口环不到1毫米宽;裂片宽卵形,0.5-0.7 * 0.5-0.7 厘米,基部平滑。

8. This experiment uses the methods of median filter transform threshold and tessellate to preprocess the image to stand out the characters of it. Then pick-up the pixel of unique point according to the program edited by myself.

9. Calyx adnate to ovary to varying degrees; sepals either connate beyond attachment to ovary and forming a tube or free and forming false tube above ovary; tube cupular, urceolate, campanulate, funnelform, or cylindric, often ribbed or tessellate on adaxial surface, constricted or open at throat, throat with or without narrowly projected, contiguous shelf of tissue; lobes 3, erect, spreading, or reflexed.

tessellate 英英释义



1. tile with tesserae

    e.g. tessellate the kitchen floor

2. fit together exactly, of identical shapes

    e.g. triangles tessellate

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