
thaw是什么意思 thaw在线翻译 thaw什么意思 thaw的意思 thaw的翻译 thaw的解释 thaw的发音 thaw的同义词 thaw的反义词 thaw的例句 thaw的相关词组

thaw 基本解释

不及物动词解冻,融雪; 变缓和; 变得不冷淡


名词融雪; 温暖气候; 放松

thaw 相关例句


1. A cup of tea helped to thaw out our guest.


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. Just give me a minute to thaw out in front of the fire, then we can talk.

2. The ice is thawing.

3. It was thawing fast.


1. The spring thaw often caused flooding.

thaw 网络解释

1. 解冻:但是90%的该公司的最终采购都是来自于从6个 choices的选项中的. 同样,在公司为员工设立和购买退休基金的时候也都有相同的结果. 科学家A研究出一个模型,得出结论农作物区域降水要减少,等等. 然后好象春天土壤解冻(thaw)的早(这部分重要),什么的.

2. 解冻 解冻:texture map 纹理贴图 材质贴图 | thaw 解冻 解冻 | thickness 厚度 厚度

3. 解冻融化:thaw vi.融化 | thaw 解冻;融化 | thaw 融化

4. 融解:thapsigargin 毒胡萝卜素,毒胡萝卜内酯 | thaw 融解 | thawing point 凝结点

thaw 词典解释

1. (冰雪等)融化,融解,解冻
    When ice, snow, or something else that is frozen thaws, it melts.

    e.g. It's so cold the snow doesn't get a chance to thaw...
    e.g. The ground has thawed.

2. (通常指冬末的)解冻时节,天气回暖期
    A thaw is a period of warmer weather when snow and ice melt, usually at the end of winter.

    e.g. We slogged through the mud of an early spring thaw.

3. (使)(冷冻食品)解冻,融化
    When you thaw frozen food or when it thaws, you leave it in a place where it can reach room temperature so that it is ready for use.


    e.g. Always thaw pastry thoroughly...
    e.g. The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut.

4. (使)(关系)回暖,缓和,改善
    If something thaws relations between people or if relations thaw, they become friendly again after a period of being unfriendly.

    e.g. At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere...
    e.g. It took up to Christmas for political relations to thaw.

相关词组:thaw out

thaw 单语例句

1. Only by holding direct talks can the two militaries thaw the ice between them and explore common ground.

2. The central bank also introduced new steps to pump more money into the banking system to thaw a growing credit crunch.

3. The embankment had been near danger levels since the ice began to thaw, with only 50 centimeters between the water and the top of the embankment.

4. Morsi's visit could mark a thaw between the two countries after years of enmity.

5. They said the forensic examination was held up by the need to first slowly thaw the frozen remains of the infants found in the freezer.

6. Interest rates have been dropped to record lows but no signs of thaw have emerged in frosty credit markets.

7. His first overseas trips as prime minister were to Beijing and Seoul and there have been several initiatives in recent months to thaw ties.

8. Hundreds of homes are destroyed annually by destructive floods in Kazakhstan during heavy rains and as snow begins to thaw in the early spring.

9. The upcoming Chinese ship visit would be the latest in a series of exchanges that have helped thaw years of longstanding mistrust.

10. I can feel my feet beginning to thaw and I start to feel warm again, a novelty after 3 days on top of the mountain.


thaw 英英释义



1. a relaxation or slackening of tensions or reserve
    becoming less hostile

    e.g. the thaw between the United States and Russia has led to increased cooperation in world affairs

2. warm weather following a freeze
    snow and ice melt

    e.g. they welcomed the spring thaw

    Synonym: thawingwarming

3. the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid

    e.g. the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster
           the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours

    Synonym: meltthawingmelting


1. become or cause to become soft or liquid

    e.g. The sun melted the ice
           the ice thawed
           the ice cream melted
           The heat melted the wax
           The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase
           dethaw the meat

    Synonym: dissolveunfreezeunthawdethawmelt

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