
thick是什么意思 thick在线翻译 thick什么意思 thick的意思 thick的翻译 thick的解释 thick的发音 thick的同义词 thick的反义词 thick的例句

thick [θɪk]  [θɪk] 


thick 基本解释

形容词浓的,茂密的; 厚的,粗大的; 稠密的; 不透明的

副词密集地; 不清晰地; 〈口〉太过分; 频频地,时常

名词最厚的部分; 最活跃或最激烈的部分; 〈口〉笨蛋; 〈俚〉可可粉

thick 同义词


thick 反义词



thick 相关词组

1. through thick and thin : 不畏艰险;

2. lay it on thick : 过分责备;

3. thick and fast : 大量而急速地, 频频;

thick 相关例句


1. It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog.

2. This piece of wood is thicker than that.

3. The corn was thick in the field.

4. The air was thick with smoke.


1. Don't spread jam that thick.

thick 词典解释

1. 厚的;粗的
    Something that is thick has a large distance between its two opposite sides.


    e.g. For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup...
    e.g. He wore glasses with thick rims...

An old man sat in a great carved armchair of black wood, thickly padded with soft cushions...
Slice the meat thickly.

2. 宽的;深的
    You can use thick to talk or ask about how wide or deep something is.


    e.g. The folder was two inches thick...
    e.g. How thick are these walls?

The size of the fish will determine the thickness of the steaks...
The egg had a shell thickness of 0.14mm and the newly-hatched chick weighed nine grams.
那只蛋的壳厚 0.14 毫米,新孵出的雏鸟重 9 克。
...a layer of gases about 200 miles in thickness.
厚约 200 英里的大气层

3. 浓的;密的;密集的;茂密的
    If something that consists of several things is thick, it has a large number of them very close together.

    e.g. She inherited our father's thick, wavy hair...
    e.g. They walked through thick forest.

I rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly...
The interior flatlands and valleys are thickly planted with coconuts.

4. 充满的;密布的
    If something is thick with another thing, the first thing is full of or covered with the second.


    e.g. The air is thick with acrid smoke from the fires...
    e.g. She ate scones thick with butter.

5. (衣服)厚的,厚重的,暖和的
    Thick clothes are made from heavy cloth, so that they will keep you warm in cold weather.


    e.g. In the winter she wears thick socks, Wellington boots and gloves...
    e.g. She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater.

6. (烟、雾、云)浓的,混浊的,能见度低的
    Thick smoke, fog, or cloud is difficult to see through.


    e.g. The smoke was bluish-black and thick...
    e.g. It wasn't very thick fog.

7. (液体)浓的,稠的
    Thick liquids are fairly stiff and solid and do not flow easily.


    e.g. They had to battle through thick mud to reach construction workers...
    e.g. The sauce is thick and rich so don't bother trying to diet.

8. (声音)不清楚的,沙哑的,低沉的
      If someone's voice is thick, they are not speaking clearly, for example because they are ill, upset, or drunk.


      e.g. When he spoke his voice was thick with bitterness.

'It's all my fault,' he mumbled thickly.

9. (口音)重的,浓的
      A thick accent is very obvious and easy to identify.

      e.g. He answered our questions in English but with a thick accent...
      e.g. 'What do you want?' a teenage girl demanded in a thick German accent.

10. 笨的;蠢的
      If you describe someone as thick, you think they are stupid.

      e.g. How could she have been so thick?

11. 大量而迅速地;接二连三地
      If things happen thick and fast, they happen very quickly and in large numbers.

      e.g. The rumours have been coming thick and fast...
      e.g. Distress calls were pouring in thick and fast from all over the area.

12. 积极从事;深度参与
      If you are in the thick of an activity or situation, you are very involved in it.

      e.g. I enjoy being in the thick of things...
      e.g. Peterson suddenly found himself in the thick of desperate fighting.

13. 不顾艰难险阻;历尽千辛万苦
      If you do something through thick and thin, you do it although the conditions or circumstances are very bad.

      e.g. She'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin...
      e.g. I will go on loving James through thick and thin no matter what happens.

14. to lay it on thick -> see lay
      a thick skin -> see skin

thick 单语例句

1. A person's experience is worth as much as a pile of thick books learned by heart.

2. Face veils and head cloths prevent the inhalation of sand, acting much like camels'thick eyelashes and flexible nostrils.

3. Tender cubes of Wagyu is scented by thick slices of Yunnan matsutake.

4. Caesar salad was made of fresh Boston lettuce, but the dressing was of the thick cream kind.

5. He now donates blood so frequently that a thick callus has appeared on his arm where the needle is inserted.

6. On the cape is a thick layer of light blue, and there are embroideries on the sleeves and collars.

7. Try them on thick cut rye toast, with a parsley and caper salad or with lemon and mayonnaise.

8. Thick fog late Saturday also led to the cancellation of 48 flights in Haikou, capital of south China's island province of Hainan.

9. But he suggested southerners drive carefully as thick fog was expected to shroud some parts of the country's south in the next few days.

10. It's amazing that a little snack like this can carry a restaurant through thick and thin for hundreds of years.

thick 英英释义



1. the location of something surrounded by other things

    e.g. in the midst of the crowd

    Synonym: midst


1. abounding
    having a lot of

    e.g. the top was thick with dust

2. (used informally) stupid

    Synonym: blockheadedboneheadedduncicalduncishfatheadedloggerheadedthickheadedthick-skulledwooden-headed

3. having component parts closely crowded together

    e.g. a compact shopping center
           a dense population
           thick crowds
           a thick forest
           thick hair

4. spoken as if with a thick tongue

    e.g. the thick speech of a drunkard
           his words were slurred

    Synonym: slurred

5. (of darkness) very intense

    e.g. thick night
           thick darkness
           a face in deep shadow
           deep night

    Synonym: deep

6. hard to pass through because of dense growth

    e.g. dense vegetation
           thick woods

    Synonym: dense

7. having a short and solid form or stature

    e.g. a wrestler of compact build
           he was tall and heavyset
           stocky legs
           a thickset young man

    Synonym: compactheavysetstockythickset

8. not thin
    of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions

    e.g. an inch thick
           a thick board
           a thick sandwich
           spread a thick layer of butter
           thick coating of dust
           thick warm blankets

9. relatively dense in consistency

    e.g. thick cream
           thick soup
           thick smoke
           thick fog


1. in quick succession

    e.g. misfortunes come fast and thick

    Synonym: thickly

2. with a thick consistency

    e.g. the blood was flowing thick

    Synonym: thickly

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