
thieve是什么意思 thieve在线翻译 thieve什么意思 thieve的意思 thieve的翻译 thieve的解释 thieve的发音 thieve的同义词 thieve的反义词 thieve的例句

thieve [θi:v]  [θi:v] 


thieve 基本解释


thieve 相关例句


1. He saw a boy thieving at school today.

thieve 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 偷:thief 小偷 | thieve 偷 | thievery 偷窃

2. 偷窃,做贼:theft偷窃,盗窃 | thieve偷窃,做贼 | thievery偷窃,盗窃事件

3. thieve什么意思

3. 偷窃:thiemia /硫血症/ | thieve /偷窃/ | thievery /偷窃/赃物/

4. 动偷;行窃:thermocouple名热电偶[温度计] | thieve动偷;行窃 | thieving bar名吸收电流区;辅助阴极

thieve 双语例句

1. thieve的反义词

1. A rhyme was borkenn in this morn: Time had waken and all was worn Mimes, who often thieve the thorn, Crimed and blackend sheeps in a lorn From time to time you are Too bright to fight at night From rhyme to rhyme who were To delight me well by the fright?

2. thieve是什么意思

2. This is a lot of technology about thieve a radish. We must keep fast, exact, resolute. short, flat and steady.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. He had made pledge that he no longer thieve, but he did again soon, commited a crime.

4. Several houses ago, people report to the police that a chief want to thieve the diamond.

5. thieve

5. A few hours ago, the police was be reported that the effractor want to thieve the diamond.

6. thieve

6. He have sware that he would not thieve things anymore, but he have a relapse that take to crime again not long ago.

7. And now I'm gonna thieve with my son?

8. Moreover external seize and internal thieve pushed the monasteries'economy into crisis deeper.

9. thieve是什么意思

9. Everyone caught the thieve to the police station.

10. The hardware safety precautions should pay attention to the power supply abruptly lose, equipment failure and thieve, along with set up vigorous firewall.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. And she finally became the robber, the thieve and the whore However, the life of Jane is shining the light of Enlighten doctrine thoughts.

12. And she finally became the robber, the thieve and the whoreHowever, the life of Jane is shining the light of Enlighten doctrine thoughts.

13. Then one day, he comfortably forgot to close the garage door again, and a group of thieve got in, and took all they wanted from the garage. After that, he wanted to teach me shooting.
      我的瓜皮菜叶等都放到Compost Pile里去了;在冰箱freezer里有个盒子,专放鱼肉和碗底剩菜等,冻成个大冰坨,收垃圾前一晚再扔到垃圾箱里去,第二天一早就被收走了,那时候,怕是冰坨还没有化完呢,动物们闻不到吃的。

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

14. Rebecca totoally understood her fake, selfish capitalism thoughts. But what become a pity is that what she did was making herself dirty. And she finally became the robber, the thieve and the whore

15. He had been caught when thieve money, before that I made a mistake that he is honest.

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

16. What is wrong, am I thieve?

17. He insists on that he did not thieve the bike, so should not be sent to jail.

18. And with him they crucify two thieve the one on his right hand, and the other on his left.
      15:27 他们又把两个强盗,和他同钉十字架。一个在右边,一个在左边。

19. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

19. He insist that he didn't thieve the bike, and should not be sent into the choky.

20. He insisted that he didn't thieve the bike, so he can't be send off to prison

thieve 英英释义



1. take by theft

    e.g. Someone snitched my wallet!

    Synonym: hooksnitchcopknock offglom

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