
thoughtful是什么意思 thoughtful在线翻译 thoughtful什么意思 thoughtful的意思 thoughtful的翻译 thoughtful的解释 thoughtful的发音 thoughtful的同义词

thoughtful [ˈθɔ:tfl]  [ˈθɔtfəl] 

比较级:more thoughtful最高级:most thoughtful

thoughtful 基本解释


形容词体贴的; 沉思的; 缜密思考过的,深思熟虑的

thoughtful 反义词

thoughtful 相关例句


1. She is always thoughtful of her mother.

2. It's very thoughtful of you.

3. thoughtful是什么意思

3. You should be more thoughtful of your behavior.

4. That put us all in a thoughtful mood.

thoughtful 情景对话


A:Good evening, Frank.

B:Hello, How good to see you. Did you have any trouble finding our place?

A:Not at all. Your instructions were very clear. Where is Mrs. Robinson?

B:She is in the kitchen. Catherine! Mrs. Wang is here!

C:Mrs. Wang! I am so glad you could come. My husband has told me so much about you.

A:These are for you.

C:Oh, what lovely flowers! You are very kind. Thank you so much. I will go and put them in some water right away.


A:And here is a bottle of Chinese quite Mao-tai.


B:That is thoughtful of you. T have heard that it packs quite punch.

C:Mrs. Wang, Frank, would you like to start now?

thoughtful 网络解释

1. 体贴:你可以在这里看到所有阿贾克斯的冠军杯比赛和荷兰国家队的比赛,担任比赛评述的往往是几位著名笑星,他们能把你逗得眼泪四溅;买不到球票,来这看球也一样是种享受,但海廷加没这个机会. 答: 冷静(cool),诚实(honest)和体贴(thoughtful).

2. 深思:其中一位是让学生聪明(smart)的胖老师. 在课堂上和学生练习歌曲,排演戏剧,读背诗歌. 另一位就是让学生深思(thoughtful)的老师. 用犀利的兴潮的观念影响着引导着学生.

3. 周到:中盛凤凰假日项目的主要目标客户是以宿州中坚阶层为主的精英们,因此我们首创了精英(Elite)物业服务理念,以认真(Earnest)、爱心(Love)、创新(Invention)、周到(Thoughtful)、优越(Exceptional)的服务原则,全方位贴心关照业主的日常生活.

4. thoughtful的近义词

4. 深思的:thirsty 渴望 | thoughtful 深思的 | tired 疲倦

thoughtful 词典解释

1. 沉思的;默想的;认真思考的
    If you are thoughtful, you are quiet and serious because you are thinking about something.

    e.g. Nancy, who had been thoughtful for some time, suddenly spoke...
    e.g. He was looking very thoughtful...

Daniel nodded thoughtfully.

2. 体贴入微的;考虑周到的
    If you describe someone as thoughtful, you approve of them because they remember what other people want, need, or feel, and try not to upset them.

    e.g. ...a thoughtful and caring man...
    e.g. Thank you. That's very thoughtful of you...

...the bottle of wine he had thoughtfully purchased for the celebrations.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

3. (书籍、电影、讲话等)严肃的,思想性强的
    If you describe something such as a book, film, or speech as thoughtful, you mean that it is serious and well thought out.

    e.g. ...a thoughtful and scholarly book.

...these thoughtfully designed machines.

thoughtful 单语例句

1. Circuit Court of Appeals interviewed by The Associated Press described Alito as thoughtful, intelligent and fair.

2. His flexible virtuosity, clarity in playing and thoughtful musicality have earned him plenty of awards.

3. The film captures the thoughtful and compassionate side of director Ingmar Bergman rarely seen in his films.

4. Being thoughtful and considerate, the company takes great care of its employees in a detailed way.

5. Doctors are very thoughtful and considerate, and every time they prescribed a large quantity of medicine.

6. Pan says such thoughtful and tailored services will inspire word of mouth, an effective marketing tool in China.

7. The sessions are conducted in English and require no specific knowledge but a desire to engage your persuasive skills in a thoughtful and enjoyable environment.

8. That is evidently a useful and meaningful question that demands thoughtful answers.

9. She actually understands the fun of irony and writes about reading, other authors and discusses topics like marriage in a most thoughtful way.

10. Maturin is a thoughtful gentleman who seems more interested in scientific discovery than battles on the high seas.

thoughtful 英英释义


1. considerate of the feelings or well-being of others

2. taking heed
    giving close and thoughtful attention

    e.g. heedful of the warnings
           so heedful a writer
           heedful of what they were doing

    Synonym: heedfulattentivepaying attention

3. having intellectual depth

    e.g. a deeply thoughtful essay

4. acting with or showing thought and good sense

    e.g. a sensible young man

    Synonym: serious-minded

5. exhibiting or characterized by careful thought

    e.g. a thoughtful paper

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