
threatening是什么意思 threatening在线翻译 threatening什么意思 threatening的意思 threatening的翻译 threatening的解释 threatening的发音

threatening [ˈθretnɪŋ]  [ ˈθrɛtnɪŋ] 


threatening 基本解释


形容词胁迫的; 险恶的; 凶兆的; (天气等)要变坏的

动词威胁; 恐吓; 预示(某事)(threaten的现在分词)

threatening 网络解释

1. 威胁:重点在於一次,不单指性爱. 紧接著描述创作材料十分克难,呈现日常生活(domestic life)的清单(inventories),日常生活看起来危险(threatening)又可贵(precious). 只能勉强糊口,威胁(threatening)到生存,生活因而弥足珍贵.

2. 胁迫的, 危险的:enquire 询问 | threatening 胁迫的, 危险的 | moding (波, 振荡, 传输)模的 模变, 跳模

3. threatening是什么意思

3. 危险的:threatened abortion 先兆流产 | threatening 危险的 | threateningly 胁迫地

4. threatening

4. 险恶的:threatening 恶劣的险恶的 | threatening 险恶的 | three address computer 三地址计算机

threatening 词典解释

1. (行为)有威胁性的,危险的
    You can describe someone's behaviour as threatening when you think that they are trying to harm you.


    e.g. The police could have charged them with threatening behaviour...
    e.g. She said Denny had received a threatening letter and asked me if I sent it.

'This ain't no affair of yours, boy!' McClosky said threateningly.

threatening 单语例句

1. The draft makes clear that State secrets should be protected and " any act threatening the security of a State secret must be punished by law ".

2. Justice Lam received a threatening letter, signed by " Chan Chun Chuen " last month.

3. Croatia's Foreign Ministry said it was informed by police that the package contained a hand grenade accompanied by a threatening letter.

4. The president read the riot act to his squabbling cabinet last week, threatening to sack any minister who did not stick to an agreed line.

5. Asda is threatening to use legal action to block a potential strike over pay rights that could disrupt the grocer's supplies during the World Cup.

6. Soon after the caller received phone calls threatening exposure or harm if they didn't pay thousands of dollars for tickets to a nightclub.

7. The man has confessed to calling the bank's president and placing a bomb threat as well as sending him two threatening letters.

8. An Air China flight from Beijing to New York returned to the Beijing Capital International Airport after receiving a threatening message on Wednesday evening.

9. Voters hostile to the deal deluged Capitol Hill with emails and phone calls, threatening to oust the lawmakers who voted for the bill.

10. The move literally pulled the runway out from under Miss America and led to a cascade of problems threatening its future.

threatening 英英释义


1. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

    e.g. a baleful look
           forbidding thunderclouds
           his tone became menacing
           ominous rumblings of discontent
           sinister storm clouds
           a sinister smile
           his threatening behavior
           ugly black clouds
           the situation became ugly

    Synonym: balefulforbiddingmenacingminaciousminatoryominoussinister

2. darkened by clouds

    e.g. a heavy sky

    Synonym: heavyloweringsullen

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