
timing是什么意思 timing在线翻译 timing什么意思 timing的意思 timing的翻译 timing的解释 timing的发音 timing的同义词 timing的反义词 timing的例句

timing [ˈtaɪmɪŋ]  [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] 


timing 基本解释


名词定时; 时机掌握; 配光; 记时


timing 相关例句


1. The timing of our statement is very opportune.

timing 网络解释

1. timing

1. 时间的控制:在团体(figure dance)的部分,有30%是时间的控制(timing),30%是团体的协调度(figures),剩下的40%是整体的表现(general effect). 在初学者的公开竞赛中,只有一位裁判. 但若是冠军赛的初赛,就会有较多位裁判. 参赛者在很短的时间内要跳二至三种舞步,

2. 正时:对于某些采用强介电质材料,对公差要求严格的应用者,如射频滤波器(RFfilter)、交流直流转换器(A/Dconverter)、正时(timing)装置等元件而言,不稳定的Dk 乃是一项严重的隐忧.

timing 词典解释

1. 时机掌握;时间选择
    Timing is the skill or action of judging the right moment in a situation or activity at which to do something.


    e.g. His photo is a wonderful happy moment caught with perfect timing...
    e.g. If your timing is right, you may be fortunate enough to stumble across a village fiesta.

2. 时间安排
    Timing is used to refer to the time at which something happens or is planned to happen, or to the length of time that something takes.

    e.g. The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.

3. see also: time

timing 单语例句

1. Swiss watchmaker Omega participated in last weekend's Good Luck Beijing Athletics Open by testing its timing system preparation for the Beijing Olympics.

2. The timing of the launch seems to have caught some observers by surprise.

3. Departure times gleaned so far by investigators have differed by about an hour, as has the timing of the wreckage discovery.

4. It was one of two polls that will likely influence Aso's decision on the timing for a general election he must call by September.

5. Provided you are interested in solid neighborhoods and don't care about finding bargains or timing the market.

6. They maintained separate schedules in Sydney, timing their red carpet appearances to ensure they were not photographed as a couple.

7. The PBOC statement said specific timing and sequence of several proposed reforms should be based on further research of the country's actual conditions.

8. Good timing and his rapport with musicians also helped him catch Johnny Cash memorably " flipping the bird " at a 1969 performance at San Quentin Prison.

9. In addition, opportunistic timing of structural reforms can reduce risks on asset prices and quality.

10. Regarding the timing of the reforms and measures to be adopted, maybe they will come around unexpectedly.

timing 英英释义


1. the regulation of occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve a desired effect (as in music, theater, athletics, mechanics)

2. the time when something happens

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