
toll是什么意思 toll在线翻译 toll什么意思 toll的意思 toll的翻译 toll的解释 toll的发音 toll的同义词 toll的反义词 toll的例句 toll的相关词组

toll [təʊl]  [toʊl] 


toll 基本解释


名词通行费; 伤亡人数; 钟声; 长途电话费

动词鸣钟; 敲钟


toll 相关例句


1. The church bell tolled the hour.

2. Bells were tolled all over the country at the President's death.


1. For whom did the bell toll?


1. The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum.

2. The death toll has risen to 200.

3. Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay a toll.

toll 网络解释

1. 通行费:(星星生活记者捷克佳摄影)在 当时,显而易见的解决方案是征收通行费(toll),而央街作为最为繁忙的公路之一被选中. 通行费在十九世纪30年代初期开始征收,从一只动物一分钱到每 辆车几分钱不等. 收费的大门也很快建立起来,

2. 过路费:除了学费,每个月的expense(日常开支)也是好几百,更有甚者,部分学生还要出去租房那就产生了租金(rent)偶尔还有出去郊游,父母还要承担fare(旅客使用交通工具所支付费用),若是自己开车还要支付过路费(toll),晚上住宾馆服务员表现到位,

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 收费:不允许单乘客车辆 (SOV) 使用. 而高乘载收费(HOT) 车道为高乘载车辆车道的延伸,也允许单乘客车辆使用,但单乘客车辆需要付费. 所以高乘载收费车道考虑了载客 (Occupancy) 和收费 (Toll) 两种因素.

toll 词典解释

1. (缓慢反复地)敲(钟),鸣(丧钟);(钟)鸣响
    When a bell tolls or when someone tolls it, it rings slowly and repeatedly, often as a sign that someone has died.


    e.g. Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered...
    e.g. The pilgrims tolled the bell.

2. (桥梁、道路的)通行费
    A toll is a small sum of money that you have to pay in order to use a particular bridge or road.

3. (公路、桥梁的)收费
    A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge where you have to pay in order to use it.


4. (死亡、事故或灾难的)总数
    A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.

    e.g. There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.
    e.g. …the second highest annual murder toll in that city's history.

5. 造成恶果(或不利影响、痛苦等)
    If you say that something takes its toll or takes a heavy toll, you mean that it has a bad effect or causes a lot of suffering.

    e.g. Winter takes its toll on your health...
    e.g. Higher fuel prices took their toll.

toll 单语例句

1. The exact casualty is under investigation and the death toll is highly possible to increase, an official with the rescue headquarters told Xinhua by telephone.

2. China's death toll from a massive earthquake soared by thousands Wednesday as troops rushed to a dam feared critically damaged.

3. The death toll from Wednesday's storms seems out of a bygone era, before Doppler radar and pinpoint satellite forecasts were around to warn communities of severe weather.

4. GUIYANG - The death toll from an explosion Saturday that destroyed an Internet cafe rose to seven after a seriously injured woman died Sunday afternoon.

5. More dead lay uncollected in the streets - making the death toll since the latest surge in fighting impossible to calculate.

6. Some private economists are predicting that a half million people or more will have lost jobs when Katrina's final economic toll is calculated.

7. There is an RMB 3 toll an hour charge for this call.

8. Meanwhile, the bumpy roads are beginning to take their toll on the camper van.

9. Beijing Capital Highway Development Company will finish the construction of another 127 lanes this year, guaranteeing at least one special ETC lane at every toll gate.

10. The flood of easily available credit cards slowed as the global financial crisis started taking its toll on the Chinese economy last year.


toll 英英释义


1. value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something

    e.g. the cost in human life was enormous
           the price of success is hard work
           what price glory?

    Synonym: pricecost

2. the sound of a bell being struck

    e.g. saved by the bell
           she heard the distant toll of church bells

    Synonym: bell

3. a fee levied for the use of roads or bridges (used for maintenance)



1. ring slowly

    e.g. For whom the bell tolls

2. charge a fee for using

    e.g. Toll the bridges into New York City

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