
topping是什么意思 topping在线翻译 topping什么意思 topping的意思 topping的翻译 topping的解释 topping的发音 topping的同义词 topping的反义词

topping [ˈtɒpɪŋ]  [ˈtɑ:pɪŋ] 


topping 基本解释


名词构成顶部的东西; 糕点上的装饰配料

形容词高耸的; 杰出的,一流的

动词加顶; 到达顶部(top的现在分词形式)

topping 网络解释

1. 配料:对于难于切割、粘度高的产品,如顶层有各种配料(Topping)的蜂蜜夹心水果蛋糕等,通常超声波切割设备能够非常漂亮地完成切割工作. 这也是为什么超声波切割设备越来越受大型烘焙食品生产企业,如蛋糕面包房连锁企业中央厂房的欢迎.

2. 修顶:Topland width 齿顶面宽度 | Topping 修顶 | Top relief angle 顶刃后角

3. 拔顶蒸去轻油;着色:topologicalspace 拓扑空间 | topping 拔顶蒸去轻油 着色 | toprecipitate 沉淀

4. 冒口击落:冒口高度 riser height | 冒口击落 topping | 冒口进模口 riser gate

topping 词典解释

1. (菜肴、糕点等上层的)浇头,装饰配料
    A topping is food, such as cream or cheese, that is poured or put on top of other food in order to decorate it or add to its flavour.


topping 单语例句

1. They have already enjoyed huge success with their album Tangled Up, with Call The Shots and Sexy No No No both topping the charts.

2. You can also make candied peel from the skin, to be scattered over salads or as a topping for the cupcakes.

3. Sweden cannot afford to lose in Copenhagen if they want to keep alive their hopes of topping the group.

4. Cash strapped teenagers are topping up their music collections with cheap legal downloads, as online music outstrips CD sales.

5. There is also my husband's favorite topping - wafer thin slices of Inner Mongolian lamb fried with caramelized onion and some really hot chili strips.

6. A mouthful of what looks to be a duck chop has a crisp, golden sesame topping and tender mashed shrimp in the middle.

7. The Ministry of Coal Industry projects a good year for topping 1981's coal output of 600 million tons.

8. The Swiss are in a strong position to come through, topping the table in their group from European qualifying with two matches remaining.

9. Phelps said he was preparing a program that would give him a shot at topping compatriot Mark Spitz's seven golds at the 1972 Munich Games.

10. Topping the list is a new super computer developed by researchers from the CAS Institute of Computing Technology and the Shanghai Supercomputer Centre.

topping 英英释义



1. a flavorful addition on top of a dish



1. excellent
    best possible

    Synonym: top-flighttop-hole

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