
touch screen是什么意思 touch screen在线翻译 touch screen什么意思 touch screen的意思 touch screen的翻译 touch screen的解释 touch screen的发音

touch screen [tʌtʃ skri:n]  [tʌtʃ skrin] 

touch screen 基本解释


touch screen在线翻译

touch screen 网络解释

1. 触摸屏:1,简介 触摸屏(Touch Screen)可以让使用者只要用手指轻轻地碰计算机显示屏上的图符或文字就能实现对主机操作,这样摆脱了键盘和鼠标操作,使人机交互更为直截了当.

2. touch screen

2. 触幕:它拥有Intel Xscale 400 Mhz的处理器、400万像素的相机、触幕(Touch Screen)控制,而且还能以WiFi无线上网. 全球只推出五台而已. 实际上,Goldvish 还在过去发布过一款名为 Le Million 的天价手机(上图). 该手机由瑞士珠宝钟表大师爱玛纽朱伊特(Emmanuel Gueit)设计,

3. 觸控式螢幕:升达科技目前在主要专注触控式面板(Touch Sensing Pad)、触控式萤幕(Touch Screen)及风扇控制IC (Fan Control IC),在跨国科技领域已有超过120项专利.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 触式屏幕:底座设 条垂直的杠驾驶盘 (Wheel) 是为模拟驾驶游戏而 别设计的指标器,通常与脚踏板 (Pedal) 起使用.驾驶盘控制车子的方向,而脚踏板则用於加速或煞轻触式屏幕 (Touch screen) 是同时 输入和输出功能的周边设备,

touch screen 单语例句

1. Her small index finger slides on the touch screen to find and click the icon of her favorite picture book.

2. The lamp can project onto a desk and turn it into a touch screen.

3. The smart phone would naturally be a touch screen device running Windows Phone 7 and is being eyed for a release later this year.

4. It must have been a nice touch of humanitarianism when it was first depicted on the big screen.

5. With a touch of the screen you can zoom through two millenniums of Parisian development.

6. The screen is also sensitive to touch, allowing media playback to be controlled by soft keys on the screen.

7. He said poll workers are trained to perform the recalibration whenever a voter says the touch screen isn't sensitive enough.

8. Unlike tablet PCs, the iCE screen doesn't have a touch screen.

9. A little girl gets to know Su Dongpo from the touch screen.

10. Windows 7 software is tailored to handle touch screen controls coming into vogue as replacements for the computer mouse.

touch screen 英英释义


1. a computer display that enables the user to interact with the computer by touching areas on the screen

    Synonym: touchscreen

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