
touch-me-not是什么意思 touch-me-not在线翻译 touch-me-not什么意思 touch-me-not的意思 touch-me-not的翻译 touch-me-not的解释 touch-me-not的发音

touch-me-not ['tʌtʃmɪˌnɒt]  ['tʌtʃmɪˌnɒt] 

touch-me-not 基本解释




touch-me-not 网络解释

1. 别碰我:只是,今年山坡上的长春藤、野蒿子、野蔷薇、别碰我(Touch Me Not)牵牛花、金银花,和各类蔓藤依旧,独不见半棵紫苏. 倒是院子里的空地,被它攻陷一半.

2. 凤仙花:Cats and dogs 杂物,价值低的股票 | Touch-me-not 凤仙花 | firefly 萤火虫

touch-me-not 双语例句

1. It is because the ripe seedpod bursts upon slight pressure that they get this odd name, touch-me-not.

2. Don't even get your hopes up, there is no way she'd even consider it. She is a Touch-Me-Not.
    你想都不要想,她根本不会考虑的,她是个冷美人。get your hopes up,燃起希望,touch-me-not 那种拒人于千里之外的人。

3. Nobody knew who planted clusters of touch-me-not in brilliant purples and reds at the base of the wall carefully keeping away from people by squeezing up against the wall.

4. The residents here liked to plant a towel gourd or cayennes every here and there in front of or behind the houses. They set up a piece of low fense in wider areas and never forgot to grow a cluster of touch-me-not along the fense. They had the same love for beauty as those fashion people from cities.

5. When summer came, more flowers bloomed, such as touch-me-not, pink, cockscomb, four-colored plums, and common China aster.

6. touch-me-not的解释

6. And as summer comes, the courtyard is even beautiful with all variety of flowers, such as touch-me-not, pink, cockscomb, four-colored plums, common China aster and so on.

7. Dash it! That girl is forget-me-not and touch-me-not in one, a red rose that has somehow turned into the blue flower.

touch-me-not 英英释义


1. prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia
    heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled

    Synonym: sensitive plantshame plantlive-and-diehumble plantaction plantMimosa pudica

2. Mediterranean vine having oblong fruit that when ripe expels its seeds and juice violently when touched

    Synonym: squirting cucumberexploding cucumberEcballium elaterium

3. North American annual plant with usually yellow or orange flowers
    grows chiefly on wet rather acid soil

    Synonym: jewelweedlady's earringsorange balsamcelandineImpatiens capensis

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