
tout是什么意思 tout在线翻译 tout什么意思 tout的意思 tout的翻译 tout的解释 tout的发音 tout的同义词 tout的反义词 tout的例句 tout的相关词组

tout [taʊt]  [taʊt] 


tout 基本解释

及物/不及物动词兜售; 招徕; 刺探赛马情报

名词侦查者; 招揽员

tout 网络解释

1. 陶特:对我来说,被接受加入卢瑟福个人的一群朋友中间的每月讨论会,也是一种最可喜和最有启发性的经验;这些人包括哲学家亚历山大(Aexander)、历史学家陶特(Tout)、人类学家伊里亚特.斯密士(ElliotSmith)和化学家开姆.外兹曼(Chaim WeiZmann

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 兜售者:别让音乐停下来,舞池里响起了<<兜售者>>(Tout)的Hip-Hop节拍,来自异国风味的和声层层推进,让你直呼爽快. 最后,等烟灰落尽、人影散漫之时,再独自一人享受一杯缓慢抒情的<<鸡尾酒>>(Cocktail),喃喃自语中穿插着法国小号胡乱的掺杂,

3. 每秒输出的字符数:tin每秒输入的字符数 | tout每秒输出的字符数 | kps每秒传输的千字符数

tout 词典解释

1. 兜售;吹嘘
    If someone touts something, they try to sell it or convince people that it is good.

    e.g. It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
    e.g. …a popular advertising industry practice of using performers to tout products…

2. 兜揽;招徕
    If someone touts for business or custom, they try to obtain it.

    e.g. He visited Thailand and Singapore to tout for investment...
    e.g. Minicabs are not allowed to tout for hire on the streets.

3. (在体育场或剧院外)倒卖(高价票)
    If someone touts tickets, they sell them outside a sports ground or theatre, usually for more than their original value.

    e.g. ...a man who made his money touting tickets...
    e.g. The queue stretches several hundred yards and tickets are touted for a tenner.
           队伍排得有几百码长,票被炒到 10 英镑一张。

in AM, use 美国英语用 scalp

4. 票贩子;“黄牛”
    A tout is someone who sells things such as tickets unofficially, usually at prices which are higher than the official ones.

in AM, use 美国英语用 scalper

tout 单语例句

1. China taking a socialist path rather than accepting what they tout as " universal values " has increased their dislike of the country.

2. Bush also used a Los Angeles conference to tout his efforts to funnel federal funds to religious charities that provide social services.

3. But you might get lost in a crowd of waiters sent from different restaurants to tout for business.

4. They often tout the ticket at a cheaper price at the gate of the venues half an hour before the concert.

5. The soaring oil prices have led many to use the opportunity to tout alternative energy sources.

6. Most nightspots here are at least as likely to tout specialty tea brews as to hawk house cocktails.

7. The president has done official trips in recent months to highlight his energy record and to tout proposals to reduce costs for students.

8. The most effective marketer knows how to position the product and tout all the benefits that are relevant to the needs of a buyer.

9. WHEN throwing out numbers, you might as well tout the right ones.

10. But it is not a reason to tout faster appreciation of the Chinese currency as a panacea.

tout 英英释义


1. one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)

    Synonym: tipster

2. someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way

    Synonym: touter

3. someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit

    Synonym: ticket tout



1. show off

    Synonym: boastswashshoot a linebraggasblowblustervauntgasconade

2. advertize in strongly positive terms

    e.g. This product was touted as a revolutionary invention

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