
tower是什么意思 tower在线翻译 tower什么意思 tower的意思 tower的翻译 tower的解释 tower的发音 tower的同义词 tower的反义词 tower的例句

tower [ˈtaʊə(r)]  [ˈtaʊɚ] 


tower 基本解释

名词塔,楼塔; 要害地; 〈罕〉(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞; 〈美〉铁路信号所

不及物动词远远高于,远远超过; 高耸,超越


tower 相关例句


1. tower

1. The skyscraper towers into the sky.

2. Skyscrapers tower over the city.

3. The tall building towers above all the others.

4. tower

4. He towered above his contemporaries.


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. That's a television tower.

tower 网络解释

1. tower的翻译

1. 塔楼:包括城墙(Wall)、塔楼(Tower)、门楼(Gatehouse)、行政署(Prefecture)、军事基地(Fort)、军事学院(Military academy)和兵营(Barracks)共七项. 城墙最好建两层以上,可以更好的阻挡敌人的进攻,也为塔楼守卫巡逻提供了空间.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 兴建防卫塔:马厩(Stable)BM兴建市场(Market)BN兴建市镇中心(Town Center)BP兴建寺庙(Temple)BS兴建仓库转运站(Storage Pit)BT兴建防卫塔(Tower)BW兴建城墙(Wall)BY兴建学院(Academy)3.部队生产(必须先用鼠标选择相关的建筑物)在游戏中,

3. 立式:机架最佳化、5U高度的 PowerVault 770N,目前已可同时提供作为机架(rack)和直立式(tower)的IT环境中使用. PowerVault 725N 是唯一使用Intel Pentium 4 处理器以及ServerWorks技术的NAS等级产品,将能够满足企业对于储存效能与扩充性的迫切需求.

tower 词典解释

1. 塔;塔楼
    A tower is a tall, narrow building, that either stands alone or forms part of another building such as a church or castle.


    e.g. ...an eleventh century castle with 120-foot high towers.
           带有 120 英尺高塔的 11 世纪城堡
    e.g. ...the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

2. (比周围的人或物)高出许多;屹立
    Someone or something that towers over surrounding people or things is a lot taller than they are.

    e.g. He stood up and towered over her...
    e.g. At school, a girl may tower over most boys her age…

3. (无线电或电视信号的)发射塔
    A tower is a tall structure that is used for sending radio or television signals.

    e.g. Troops are still in control of the television and radio tower.

4. 同tower block
    A tower is the same as a tower block .


    e.g. ...his design for a new office tower in Frankfurt.

5. 立式机箱
    A tower is a tall box that contains the main parts of a computer, such as the hard disk and the drives.

6. see also: clock tower;control tower;ivory tower

7. (在危难时)可依靠的人,主心骨,支柱
    If you refer to someone as a tower of strength, you appreciate them because they give you a lot of help, support, and encouragement when you have problems or are in a difficult situation.

    e.g. Pat was a tower of strength to our whole family.

tower 单语例句

1. The lanes around the tower are ancient, paved in stone and busy with merchants and pedestrians milling about.

2. Jin Jiang Tower Shanghai invites you to a warm Christmas celebration by treating your loved ones and yourself to a culinary gala.

3. So on September 29, 2010 authorities officially announced that the tower was simply going to be called Canton Tower.

4. In the distance stood glittering Canton Tower, completed just before the Asian Games and now the world's seventh tallest structure.

5. Hemel's design of the Canton Tower won over the client because of its concept of a fair lady overlooking the Pearl River.

6. The capital's tallest building now is Tower 3 of China World Trade Center, which is 330 meters tall and is also in the CBD.

7. Multicolored layers were patiently added one by one, until the little gelatin tower was carefully unmolded to magnificent perfection.

8. Some of the caves are truly cavernous and are home to enormous seated Buddhas that tower over visitors.

9. Cavernous basements tucked beneath the tower's legs house massive, hydraulic motors that power the two visitors'elevators.

10. Witnesses said that after a 40 centimeter fire ball rolled down the tower its lights and wireless signals went out.

tower 英英释义


1. a structure taller than its diameter
    can stand alone or be attached to a larger building

2. a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships

    Synonym: tugboattugtowboat

3. anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower

    e.g. the test tube held a column of white powder
           a tower of dust rose above the horizon
           a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite

    Synonym: columnpillar



1. appear very large or occupy a commanding position

    e.g. The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
           Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

    Synonym: loompredominatehulk

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