
tragedy是什么意思 tragedy在线翻译 tragedy什么意思 tragedy的意思 tragedy的翻译 tragedy的解释 tragedy的发音 tragedy的同义词 tragedy的反义词

tragedy [ˈtrædʒədi]  [ˈtrædʒɪdi] 


tragedy 基本解释

名词悲剧,惨剧; 悲剧文学; 悲剧理论,悲剧表演艺术; 悲剧式作品

tragedy 同义词



tragedy 反义词


tragedy 相关例句


1. Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death, suffering or disaster.

2. Their holiday ended in tragedy when their hotel caught fire.

3. The traffic accident is really a tragedy.

tragedy 网络解释

1. 悲剧片:comedy 喜剧片 | tragedy 悲剧片 | dracula movie 恐怖片

2. 虽知爱情多半是:竟让俺冲动有点Horny, | 虽知爱情多半是Tragedy, | 但俺不信总是不lucky,

3. 灾难:natural disaster 自然灾害 | tragedy 灾难 | wreckage 残骸

tragedy 词典解释

1. 不幸;灾难;惨剧
    A tragedy is an extremely sad event or situation.

    e.g. They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy...
    e.g. Maskell's life had not been without tragedy.

2. 悲剧(作品)
    Tragedy is a type of literature, especially drama, that is serious and sad, and often ends with the death of the main character.

    e.g. The story has elements of tragedy and farce.
    e.g. …a classic Greek tragedy.

tragedy 单语例句


1. Kong Quan said China was shocked by the tragedy and vehemently condemned this barbarous act targeted against civilians.

2. The tragedy was caused by " serious design flaws " in railway signaling equipment, an official from the Shanghai Railway Bureau said Thursday morning.

3. That failure to tell a humanitarian tragedy apart from a national rivalry is by no means limited to the very young.

4. I am absolutely horrified by the gross neglect of the witnesses to this tragedy.

5. The Cabinet promised government support for those afflicted by the fire tragedy.

6. But the tragedy is that many who become heavy drinkers cannot help themselves although they know they are drinking themselves to death.

7. Some critics called the cartoon racist and said it trivialized a tragedy in which a woman was disfigured and a chimpanzee killed.

8. In the case of Greece, history might turn out more like a much larger version of Argentina's tragedy.

9. The Catania tragedy in February led to a suspension of Italian football, with numerous stadia forced to make improvements to ensure improved security.

10. Pitt stars alongside Cate Blanchett as a couple on vacation in Morocco when tragedy strikes.


tragedy 英英释义



1. drama in which the protagonist is overcome by some superior force or circumstance
    excites terror or pity

2. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

    e.g. the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
           the earthquake was a disaster

    Synonym: calamitycatastrophedisastercataclysm

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