
tranquil是什么意思 tranquil在线翻译 tranquil什么意思 tranquil的意思 tranquil的翻译 tranquil的解释 tranquil的发音 tranquil的同义词

tranquil [ˈtræŋkwɪl]  [ˈtræŋkwəl] 


tranquil 基本解释

形容词宁静的; 平静的; 安静的

tranquil 同义词

tranquil 反义词



tranquil 相关例句


1. They lived a tranquil life in the countryside.

2. There was a tranquil expression on her face.

tranquil 网络解释

1. 宁静:[12]Tranquil:宁静(Tranquil)仪式(使用一个由lyrium制作的魔法烙印)会断绝一个法师与Fade之间的联系--他们永远不能做梦. 一个副作用是他们的感情中枢也被完全的除去. 以上之一,或两者共同作用的结果是恶魔永远无发占据他们.

2. 恬静的:Luscious:甘美的、芬芳的 | Tranquil:恬静的 | Spicy:辛辣的

3. 安静的:trance 迷睡 | tranquil 安静的 | tranquility 宁静

tranquil 词典解释

1. 平静的;安静的;宁静的
    Something that is tranquil is calm and peaceful.

    e.g. The tranquil atmosphere of The Connaught allows guests to feel totally at home...
    e.g. The place was tranquil and appealing.

The hotel is a haven of peace and tranquillity.

tranquil 单语例句

1. Dense trees line the lanes and small hills provide a tranquil oasis just meters away from the busy streets.

2. The tranquil complex covers a wide area and lies in two valleys surrounded by hills over which the Great Wall twists and turns.

3. Soon we were surrounded by water carved canyon faces and enveloped in the tranquil sound of the rushing creek.

4. In the most tranquil role on stage, she vividly contrasts with Shen's churning inferno of emotions.

5. It epitomizes the Chinese philosophies of " remaining tranquil in favor or humiliation " and " contentment brings happiness ".

6. The crystal ice branches, silver twinkling rime and clear water in the Yalu River constituted the tranquil wonderland scenery.

7. The author's devotion to Chinese history and literature pays off in the felicitous portrayal of the bustling metropolis and tranquil countryside.

8. The most tantalizing place along the quiet and beautiful river is Tonglu county, dotted with tranquil villages and trees on both banks.

9. The peaceful environment and beautiful surroundings present outsiders a piece of pleasing and tranquil picture of a typical country life in South China.

10. The tranquil scene that Wang Longsheng's works bring to visitors provides pure aesthetic enjoyment and poetic sentiment.


tranquil 英英释义



1. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves

    e.g. a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay
           the quiet waters of a lagoon
           a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky
           a smooth channel crossing
           scarcely a ripple on the still water
           unruffled water

    Synonym: placidquietstillsmoothunruffled

2. not agitated
    without losing self-possession

    e.g. spoke in a calm voice
           remained calm throughout the uproar
           he remained serene in the midst of turbulence
           a serene expression on her face
           she became more tranquil
           tranquil life in the country

    Synonym: calmunagitatedserene

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