
transform是什么意思 transform在线翻译 transform什么意思 transform的意思 transform的翻译 transform的解释 transform的发音 transform的同义词

transform [trænsˈfɔ:m]  [trænsˈfɔ:rm] 


transform 基本解释


及物动词变换; 改变; 改观



transform 相关例句


1. The situation has been greatly transformed.

2. A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.

3. A tadpole is transformed into a frog.

4. A steam engine transforms heat into power.

transform 网络解释

1. 改变:步骤11:在时间轴第30帧插入>帧(Insert>Keyframe),再在菜单栏中选窗口>检视>改变,弹出的改变(Transform)对话框,然后在工作区选中汉堡,在改变(Transform)对话框中将汉堡的尺寸缩小到77%.

transform 词典解释

1. 转换;改变;改造
    To transform something into something else means to change or convert it into that thing.

    e.g. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy...
    e.g. Delegates also discussed transforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army.

Norah made plans for the transformation of an attic room into a study...
Chemical transformations occur.

2. 改善;使改观;使改头换面
    To transform something or someone means to change them completely and suddenly so that they are much better or more attractive.

    e.g. The Minister said the Urban Development Corporation was now transforming the area...
    e.g. A cheap table can be transformed by an interesting cover…

In the last five years he's undergone a personal transformation.
过去 5 年里他整个人发生了全新的转变。
…one of the most astonishing economic transformations seen since the second world war.

transform 单语例句

1. This would by no means help transform these SOEs into real business giants in the international market where fierce competition is the norm.

2. Experts believe it could transform family planning by allowing couples to share the responsibility for contraception - a role that traditionally falls to women.

3. While acknowledging her calmness will not stand out in electoral forum, she has no plan to transform herself.

4. NEW YORK - Cigarette smoke can transform normal breast cells into cancerous cells by blocking their normal ability to repair themselves.

5. To transform the growth pattern and get out of the trap of " resource curse ", the Libyan government has to have a strong operation capacity.

6. Local government officials hope the airport will be the catalyst needed to transform the metropolis into a new aviation hub in Asia.

7. The time has now come to put those words into action and transform willingness into actual cooperation.

8. Stem cells are master cells in the body that can transform themselves into other cell types.

9. China should make greater efforts to transform its huge population from a quantitative to a qualitative advantage to cement a foundation for lasting economic prosperity.

10. They realize that by attempting to transform former Soviet republics into " unsinkable aircraft carriers, " the US presence in Central Asia could have great impact upon Russia.

transform 英英释义



1. change in outward structure or looks

    e.g. He transformed into a monster
           The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle

    Synonym: transmutemetamorphose

2. increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)

3. change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species

4. convert (one form of energy) to another

    e.g. transform energy to light

5. change or alter in form, appearance, or nature

    e.g. This experience transformed her completely
           She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture
           transubstantiate one element into another

    Synonym: transmutetransubstantiate

6. change from one form or medium into another

    e.g. Braque translated collage into oil

    Synonym: translate

7. subject to a mathematical transformation

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