
transformed是什么意思 transformed在线翻译 transformed什么意思 transformed的意思 transformed的翻译 transformed的解释 transformed的发音



transformed 基本解释

改变( transform的过去式和过去分词 );使改变形态,使改变外观,使改观;

transformed 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 转变:(詹姆斯.W.凯瑞,2005:7)与传播的传递观相比,传播的仪式观把传播看作是创造(created)、修改(modified)和转变(transformed)一个共享文化的过程. 传播的仪式观不是指空间上讯息的扩展,而是指时间上对社会的维系;它不是一种传递信息或影响的行为,

2. 转换:透过传送(Broadcast)采购标的物之议价条件,集结多 的购买张贴公布於公众伺服器;潜在卖方(VASP)核可该采购单之议价条件后,电现存的资 探勘技术大部份是属於静态(Static)的 型,因此,对於会转换(Transformed)至空间区域, 如:区域A={a1,

3. transformed是什么意思

3. 改变:你看你自己,一直都忽略了这位从来没有离开过你的上帝,是他使你的生命不断被改变(transformed)的,这才使得你有了今日的成果. 你忽略了上帝,上帝却从来也没有停止过在你的生命中动工,仍然以他的恩慈和应许使你的生命越走越光明.

transformed 单语例句

1. It is said that once upon a time A local figure Cheng Huize swallowed a dragon ball by mistake and was transformed into a dragon.

2. When Zhen Wu transformed into a deity, the cane too transformed - into an ornately carved wooden bed.

3. These 7 working points may be transformed in several opportunity questions to be answered by companies raising ideas that will become projects for value capture.

4. Qin bought a container truck and transformed it into a " mobile science caravan ", which transports exhibits to show at schools.

5. The venues of law enforcement and case investigation by public security organs will be transformed according to defined standards step by step.

6. Lewis Hamilton celebrated a Formula One record and transformed himself into a championship contender just three races into his grand prix career on Sunday.

7. The city has been transformed into a manufacturing center and a hub to develop relations with Taiwan.

8. Robinson said Chalk Hill School has been transformed into a cheerful place for the surviving students to resume normal school routines.

9. The lobby will be transformed into a challenging obstacle course through which contestants will navigate their way while tossing a freshly made pancake.

10. This effectively transformed the site into a hybrid of Facebook and Twitter, adapting the latter's system but allowing lengthy postings like the former.

transformed 英英释义


1. given a completely different form or appearance

    e.g. shocked to see the transformed landscape

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