
treacherous是什么意思 treacherous在线翻译 treacherous什么意思 treacherous的意思 treacherous的翻译 treacherous的解释 treacherous的发音

treacherous [ˈtretʃərəs]  [ˈtrɛtʃərəs] 

treacherous 基本解释

形容词奸诈的; 骗人的; 不忠的; 不可信的



treacherous 网络解释

1. 背叛的:trddition 传统 | treacherous 背叛的 | treacherously 背叛地

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 叛逆的:jagged:不平的 | treacherous:叛逆的 | shoals:浅滩

3. treacherous

3. 阴险的、狡诈的、有阴谋的、有诡计的:appropriate 恰当的、合适的、拨款 | treacherous 阴险的、狡诈的、有阴谋的、有诡计的 | expel 开除学籍、赶走

4. 阴险的,危险的:odoriferous 有香味的,芳香的 | treacherous 阴险的,危险的 | lecherous 好色的

treacherous 词典解释

1. 奸诈的;背信弃义的;不可信任的
    If you describe someone as treacherous, you mean that they are likely to betray you and cannot be trusted.

    e.g. He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders...
    e.g. The President spoke of the treacherous intentions of the enemy.

2. 危险的;变化无常的
    If you say that something is treacherous, you mean that it is very dangerous and unpredictable.


    e.g. The current of the river is fast flowing and treacherous...
    e.g. They made the treacherous journey across stormy seas in rotten boats.

treacherous 单语例句

1. A rainstorm caused chaos in Beijing on June 23 paralyzing the city's traffic and turning the city's underpasses into treacherous hazards for drivers.

2. The managers agreed the field became treacherous but both declined to comment on whether play should have stopped earlier.

3. If our concrete walls are dormant guards who fail to keep the freeze out, then glass is a treacherous doorman that ushers in cold air.

4. The roads to Litang were once the most treacherous in China, and many adventurers died trying to conquer this harsh area.

5. The snow in Mississippi and Louisiana was clearing out Thursday afternoon, but forecasters warned that freezing temperatures could make for treacherous driving conditions overnight.

6. This was true mostly in mountainous areas where rapids are treacherous and beaches few and far between.

7. We were all quickly winded and having difficulty making it up the treacherous path, but Super Geezer never once lost his footing.

8. Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd called for calm on all sides to avoid any accidents in frigid and treacherous seas.

9. Shen adheres to a grueling schedule, with many of his appointments separated by hundreds of kilometers and treacherous mountain driving.

10. The combination of icy pavement and gusty wind made driving treacherous, he said.

treacherous 英英释义


1. tending to betray
    especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans

    e.g. Punic faith
           the perfidious Judas
           the fiercest and most treacherous of foes
           treacherous intrigues

    Synonym: punicperfidious

2. dangerously unstable and unpredictable

    e.g. treacherous winding roads
           an unreliable trestle

    Synonym: unreliable

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