
treble是什么意思 treble在线翻译 treble什么意思 treble的意思 treble的翻译 treble的解释 treble的发音 treble的同义词 treble的反义词 treble的例句

treble [ˈtrebl]  [ˈtrɛbəl] 


treble 基本解释

形容词高音的; 三倍的,三重的; 最高声部的; 尖锐刺耳的

及物/不及物动词使成为三倍; 增加两倍

名词三倍; 最高音部,高音



treble 相关例句


1. James has a fine treble voice.

2. treble的翻译

2. His wage is treble mine.


1. It's value has trebled.

2. He has treble his income during the last few years.


1. His salary is treble mine.

treble 网络解释

1. 高音调节:功能调节 音量调节(VOLUME)、电源开关(ON/OFF)高音调节(TREBLE)功能调节:音量调节(VOLUME)、电源开关(ON/OFF)高音调节(TREBLE)

2. 高音,三倍的,三重的:Transversal equalizers 横向均衡器 | Treble 高音,三倍的,三重的 | Tremold tremor 颤音

treble 词典解释

1. (使)增加两倍;(使)成为三倍
    If something trebles or if you treble it, it becomes three times greater in number or amount than it was.

    e.g. They will have to pay much more when rents treble in January...
    e.g. The city has trebled the number of its prisoners to 21,000.
           该市的囚犯人数增长了两倍,达到 21,000 人。

A new threat to Bulgaria's stability is the week-old miners' strike for a trebling of minimum pay.

2. 是…的三倍
    If one thing is treble the size or amount of another thing, it is three times greater in size or amount.

    e.g. More than 7 million shares changed hands, treble the normal daily average.
           有 700 多万股换手,是通常日平均成交量的 3 倍。

3. 男童高音;唱高音的男童声歌手
    A treble is a boy with a very high singing voice.

4. 三连胜
    In sport, a treble is three successes one after the other, for example winning three horse races on the same day, or winning three competitions in the same season.

    e.g. The win completed a treble for them – they already claimed a league and cup double this year.

treble 单语例句

1. Solskjaer occupied a key role in United's treble triumph of 1999 and their domination of English domestic football at the start of the decade.

2. David Beckham believes the current crop of Manchester United players can emulate the treble triumph he helped the club achieve in 1999.

3. United's defeat in Italy ended their hopes of repeating their 1999 treble but they do have a domestic double still to aim for.

4. Sevilla are still in the running for an historic treble with chances to win the league and King's Cup.

5. False starting denied him another golden treble on the world's great stages and let down the entire track and field world.

6. Sweden striker Ibrahimovic is Barcelona's first marquee signing since Barcelona became the first Spanish club to win the treble last season.

7. But his appeal backfired as the SFA's disciplinary committee opted to treble his original punishment.

8. Real Madrid are a point back in second place after Messi's Argentina team mate Higuain recorded his second consecutive La Liga treble.

9. While Bayern is still chasing a treble, the Scottish side has realistic ambitions of silverware on four fronts.

10. Bayern's win was the first leg of what they hope to be a treble.

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