
tremor是什么意思 tremor在线翻译 tremor什么意思 tremor的意思 tremor的翻译 tremor的解释 tremor的发音 tremor的同义词 tremor的反义词 tremor的例句

tremor [ˈtremə(r)]  [ˈtrɛmɚ] 


tremor 基本解释

名词震颤; 战栗; 震颤声; 大地的轻微震动


tremor 相关例句


1. There had been a tremor so slight that I did not even feel it.

2. The story was so terrible that it sent tremors down my spine.

tremor 网络解释

1. 震颤:(3)震颤(tremor)也是PD三主征之一,最为常见,约有1/3病人以此为首发症状,约有70%~80%的病人有此症状,震颤是主动肌群与拮抗肌群收缩不协调导致交替收缩,使肢体呈4~6次/s的节律性震颤,该症状在临床上多缓慢发生,从单肢或一侧肢体开始,

2. 手 抖:会引起手抖(tremor)的原因不少,临床上我们可以依手抖的型态将之粗略的分为三类:1.休息性手抖(resting tremor):手抖在休息状态下最明显,在有所动作时反而减轻或消失.

3. tremor什么意思

3. 微震:要解救他需将石仑(Stonewall)放到地下室那道墙外面,使用微震(Tremor)技能将墙震掉一块砖,不久会有客人到地下室查看,或者将顽皮鬼(Boo)放到密室里面使用漏水(Leak)技能,同样可吸引人的注意.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 颤抖:这是一种常见的慢性神经系统疾病,其三大临床表现包括:颤抖(tremor),尤其休息、情绪紧张时更为明显;僵硬(rigidity及动作迟缓(bradykinesia). 其他还有步态不稳或姿势异常、讲话声音变小、思考能力和情绪改变、写字字体愈来愈小、自主神经功能失调包括流泪、流汗、流口水、便秘、尿潴留、性能力降低等等.

tremor 词典解释

1. 轻微地震;小震
    A tremor is a small earthquake.


2. 波动;风波
    If an event causes a tremor in a group or organization, it threatens to make the group or organization less strong or stable.


    e.g. News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community...
           将会裁员 160 人的消息在该团体中掀起了一阵骚动。
    e.g. Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors.

3. (身体或声音不由自主的)震颤,颤抖
    A tremor is a shaking of your body or voice that you cannot control.

    e.g. He felt a tremor in his arms...
    e.g. He felt a tremor of apprehension…

tremor 单语例句


1. This scenario sends a tremor through investor markets and drives more cheap money into precious metals.

2. Had he run for his life as everybody did during the tremor, he could have done it with a clear conscience and nobody would have blamed him.

3. It follows another tremor which shook southeastern Aegean Sea earlier in the day.

4. People rushed outside when they felt the aftershock, but most of them went back indoors once the tremor stopped.

5. She walked down the stairs to the ground floor with her colleagues not long after the tremor.

6. But at the very afternoon when the tremor occurred, she took rice and flour out of her business to cook porridge for the survivors.

7. State news agency IRNA said the tremor was also felt on the Gulf island of Kish but gave no further details.

8. South Korea's presidential Blue House said a tremor had been detected in North Korea on Monday.

9. Tremor of the May 12 earthquake is more likely to be felt in macroeconomic regulations as inflation continued to hover above 8 percent in April.

10. If the merciless tremor did any good, it awakened and reconnected this nation to some of its finest qualities and traditions.

tremor 英英释义


1. an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)

    Synonym: shudder

2. a small earthquake

    Synonym: earth tremormicroseism

3. shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease)


1. shake with seismic vibrations

    e.g. The earth was quaking

    Synonym: quake

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