
triad是什么意思 triad在线翻译 triad什么意思 triad的意思 triad的翻译 triad的解释 triad的发音 triad的同义词 triad的反义词 triad的例句

triad [ˈtraɪæd]  [ˈtraɪˌæd, -əd] 


triad 基本解释

名词三个一组; 三幅一组; 三和音

triad 网络解释

1. 三和弦:这是一个很有趣的现象,三和弦(triad)的命名是由于它有三个音,而七和弦(seventh)以及后面的所有其它和弦都是以它们的最大音程命名的. 我们现在常用的大小调是经过长时期的筛选和优化的结果,在这之前的中世纪时期,比较流行的有七种调式,

2. triad的反义词

2. 三分体:在两个肌浆网间有三分体(triad)结构,包围着肌原纤维,如果从肌原纤维的轴以直角作成断面,则呈网眼状,总起来称T系统(T system). 肌纤维兴奋发生活动电位时,它传给直接开口于膜的T管,到达肌浆网,放出Ca. 如果将肌肉用甘油温和地处理一下,

3. 三合一:这不比偏见(bias)更好第四正面密度的紫罗兰光芒将被染上(tinged)绿色, 蓝色, 靛蓝色 三合一(triad)能量. 这个色调可以看做是彩虹或三棱镜(prism)的一部份 各个光芒相当地显著(distinct).第四负面密度的紫罗兰光芒, 容我们说,

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 三联体:位于横小管两侧的肌质网扩大呈环形的扁囊,称终池(terminal cisternae),与横小管一起共同组成三联体(triad)(图6-9),可将兴奋从肌膜传到肌质网膜. 肌质网的膜上有丰富的钙泵(一种ATP酶),有调节肌质中Ca2+浓度的作用.

triad 词典解释

The spelling Triad is also used for meaning 1. 拼写 Triad 亦用于义项 1。

1. 三合会(旧中国秘密组织)
    The Triads were Chinese secret societies in old China.


    e.g. …gangs, known as the Triads.

2. 三个一组;三件一套;三位一体
    A triad is a group of three similar things.

    e.g. For the faculty, there exists the triad of responsibilities: teaching, research, and service.

triad 单语例句


1. Organized Crime and Triad Bureau officers inspected Tsui's home and detained a woman for questioning and confiscated a computer for investigation.

2. The attack outside the District Council differs because it was contracted to triad members for hire.

3. Seven men and five women were arrested for drug offences, and nine men and nine women were arrested for triad offences.

4. Guangdong triad captured by police while holding a formal meeting in hotel.

5. Their vital role was to provide the alleged triad gangsters behind the racket with ships, under the guise they were legitimate leasing and business partners.

6. He said Guangdong courts will hand out serious punishments to any triad members found guilty.

7. But magistrate Kwok said Chan joined a triad group when in junior secondary school.

8. Police have arrested 58 people in an operation targetted at triad organizations and juvenile gangs in East Kowloon.

9. The Organized Crime and Triad Bureau described the ongoing investigation as an undercover operation that has netted most triad leaders in recent years.

10. The incident was later proved to be done by Triad gangsters, allegedly as retribution for reneging on a film deal.

triad 英英释义


1. a three-note major or minor chord
    a note and its third and fifth tones

    Synonym: common chord

2. three people considered as a unit

    Synonym: triothreesometrinity

3. a set of three similar things considered as a unit

    Synonym: triotriplettriple

4. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

    Synonym: three3IIItriothreesometierceleashtroikatrinetrinityternaryterniontriplettercetterzettotreydeuce-ace

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