
trilby是什么意思 trilby在线翻译 trilby什么意思 trilby的意思 trilby的翻译 trilby的解释 trilby的发音 trilby的同义词 trilby的反义词 trilby的例句

trilby [ˈtrɪlbi]  [ˈtrɪlbi] 


trilby 基本解释



trilby 网络解释

1. trilby在线翻译

1. 软毡帽:trilateral paper trimming machine 三边切纸机 | trilby 软毡帽 | trilead tetroxide 四氧化三铅

2. 呢帽:trilby hat 一种呢帽 | trilby 呢帽 | trilemma 三难困难

3. 呢帽之一种:trilateration /三边测量/ | trilby /呢帽之一种/ | trilete /三裂缝的/

4. 会唱颤音的歌者 女性 意大利:Trifine 女性 古法语 | Trilby 会唱颤音的歌者 女性 意大利 | Trilochana 女性 印度

trilby 双语例句

1. The other, straight, thin and moustachioed, in a trilby and exotic waistcoat, was Lord Harris of High Cross, with a Meerschaum.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. From the top of his trilby down to his boots he was stark white, dusted all over as though he had been rolling in confectioner`s sugar, the only man I have ever seen who aged twenty-five years in the course of a working day.

3. I can't quite run to a sequinned pant suit, which would make me look like Elvis's mum, nor Garland's famous trilby, tuxedo and tights ensemble, for reasons of decency.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. When Silvio Berlusconi stepped out of his Agusta 109 helicopter at Milanello on a snowy March 1, 1986, dressed in a finely tailored black overcoat, blue trilby hat and lavish scarf, he may not have looked like your average revolutionary.
    贝卢斯科尼在1986年3月1日,那个大雪纷飞的日子里,在米兰内洛走下他的Agusta 109直升机,身穿高档考究的黑色大衣,戴着蓝色呢帽和长围巾,看起来完全不像一个普通的开创者。

5. Team these elegant flared trousers with a fluid jacket and a belt, or even a straw trilby for a truly retro look.

6. Dressed like Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince, coloured in with luminous crayons and topped off with a trilby, he brought a zany new energy to pop.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. All I could see were various pairs of legs balanced on triangular wooden ladders, and then a great brown moon of a face under a straw trilby poked through the foliage.

8. I cant quite run to asequinned pantsuit, which would make me look like Elviss mum, norGarlandsfamous trilby, tuxedo and tights ensemble, for reasons ofdecency.

9. The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.

10. trilby

10. I wore this Trilby a lot.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. He crammed his Trilby on his head.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. Once there, stewards collected the trilby and put it on Monday's1.40pm British Airways flight to Bologna, costing Bono £ 442.

trilby 词典解释

1. (男子的)软毡帽
    A trilby or a trilby hat is a man's hat which is made of felt and has a groove along the top from front to back.

trilby 单语例句

1. They might have more room to rise, according to survey editor Trilby Lundberg.

trilby 英英释义


1. a hat made of felt with a creased crown

    Synonym: fedorafelt hathomburgStetson

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