
tripping是什么意思 tripping在线翻译 tripping什么意思 tripping的意思 tripping的翻译 tripping的解释 tripping的发音 tripping的同义词

tripping ['trɪpɪŋ]  ['trɪpɪŋ] 


tripping 基本解释




动词绊倒; 说话结结巴巴( trip的现在分词 ); 倾斜; (使)犯错误


tripping 网络解释

1. 梦游仙境:新曲又惹性取向争议 新专辑的首支单曲<<梦游仙境>>(Tripping)让歌迷偷窥罗比的诡异梦境,而另一首单曲<<原谅我>>(MakeMePure)则是让乐迷听见罗比三十年来的空虚寂寞.

2. tripping的翻译

2. 侧倾:大部分翻车事故是由于第一类侧倾(tripping)引起的. 在观察了众多碰撞数据和对比统计数据以后,UMTRI研究者更进一步深入发现在SUV发生翻车事故前的特有的事故前的操纵性. 美国公路交通安全管理局的全国事故样本观察碰撞数据系统(NASS-CDC)用于提供对交通事故的分析. 这一数据库包括足够详尽的对下述事故进行编码的信息:

3. 绊人犯规:蹬踏 hacking | 绊人犯规tripping | 假摔fake a fall

4. 拌人:快射 fast shot | 拌人 tripping | 平传 flat pass

tripping 单语例句


1. Roma goalkeeper Alexander Doni was called for tripping Adriano but replays indicated otherwise.

2. Or of the final torch bearer tripping as they ascend to light the flame?

3. Washington politicians are tripping over one another in the scramble to call for various forms of restrictions or sanctions against Chinese imports.

4. Bear Stearns was also tripping alarms at NYSE before JPMorgan Chase & Co plucked it in a fire sale earlier this year.

5. Retailers are tripping over one another to gain a foothold in China.

6. Mei said the recent government's move to open the second board would also help weaken the motivation of round tripping.

7. Most victims of the mines are combatants, although reports of children tripping the explosives are common.

8. He said the government should try to weaken them after finding the motivations behind the round tripping.

9. " That will make the round tripping less profitable, " he said.


tripping 英英释义


1. moving easily and quickly

    e.g. the dancer was light and graceful
           a lightsome buoyant step
           walked with a light tripping step

    Synonym: lightlightsome

2. characterized by a buoyant rhythm

    e.g. an easy lilting stride
           the flute broke into a light lilting air
           a swinging pace
           a graceful swingy walk
           a tripping singing measure

    Synonym: liltingswingingswingy

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