
trolls是什么意思 trolls在线翻译 trolls什么意思 trolls的意思 trolls的翻译 trolls的解释 trolls的发音 trolls的同义词 trolls的反义词 trolls的例句

trolls 基本解释

旋转,轮唱,钓鱼( troll的名词复数 );

trolls 网络解释

1. 巨魔:众所皆知,祂对巨魔(trolls)有着无比的憎恨,时常在艾弗荒原(Evermoor)中搜捕追猎这些怪物. 虽然桂伦˙风暴在北地的游侠中广受敬重,但其信徒多半都是期许自己能以追迹大师为榜样与仿效对象-而非真正地崇拜祂. 桂伦.风暴的信徒并未有何组织化的教会,

2. trolls的翻译

2. 巨怪:萨拉查. 斯莱特林Salazar Slytherin | 巨怪Trolls | 三强争霸赛Triwizard Tournament

3. 怪物:Target's Litigation Strategies标的对象的诉讼策略 | The design around option围绕专利进行规避设计的选择权 | Trolls--怪物

trolls 双语例句

1. trolls的反义词

1. Before Mori always go everywhere with me, never asked me to worry about what, but have not said these from, listening to a small sword as a story about her trolls history was fascinated to hear me, the original trolls so there are also荡气回肠also凄美history? .

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. When I did this sketch I got inspiration from other illustrations made for this game, especially some from the artist Alvaro Tapia, a true master of drawing trolls.
    当我在画草图的时候,是从这个游戏的一些插画中汲取灵感,尤其是艺术家Alvaro Tapia,一个真正的绘画巨魔的人。

3. The elves informed Thoradin that the troll armies were vast and that once the trolls had destroyed Quel'Thalas, they would move on to attack the southlands.

4. trolls的翻译

4. I think, trolls eat leprechauns, am I right?

5. The Darkspear Trolls, having joined the Horde during Thrall's exodus to Kalimdor, have claimed the coastal Echo Isles as their new home.
    当萨尔集结部落去到克利姆多时,黑暗之矛氏族的巨魔将沿海的Echo Isles占领为他们的新家园。

6. This amazingly handcrafted polystone statue captures the utter power and ferocity of the massive Battle Trolls of Mordor as they crush everything in their way. Standing 9 tall, the Battle Troll screams victoriously with detailed armor body, a bladed weapon in one hand and a fallen Gondorian Soldier in the other, and a crumbling Minas Trith stairway display base featuring the edition number and artist's signature.

7. However Jah'Rakal fights not for the Sentinal, or even to defend the Ancient, but to show Elves, Men, Orcs and anyone else that trolls are the best fighters in the world.

8. However jah'rakal fights not for the sentinal, or even to defend the ancient, but to show elves, men, orcs and anyone else that trolls are the best fighters in the world.
    com 近卫军团而战斗,甚至不是 dd dtt。com 守护世界之树,而仅仅是 dd dtt。com 向精灵,人类,兽族以及其他一切种族证明,巨魔一族才是世界上最强的战士。

9. Snowman, Willow, trolls and the seven dwarfs

10. Snowman, Willow, trolls and the seven dwarves

11. Even the mysterious dark trolls are believed to be cannibals for the most part.

12. Much relieved, the Darkspear trolls began returning to the Echo Isles, only to be betrayed by one of their own.

13. trolls是什么意思

13. Ice Trolls have been observed to live in both igloo-like structures and simple tents.

14. trolls

14. Lazamataz was right....this massive influx of ignorant, rabid nationalist ChiCom trolls might change FR for the worse and that scares me as a poster.
      那个Lazamataz 说得对,这么多突然涌入的无知的,狂暴的,民族主义的中共分子间谍么企图想把FR弄糟,这个前景让我恐惧

15. Ice trolls enjoy killing, and as long as their employers allow them to keep doing so, they serve well.

16. Zul'Drak is a single, giant ziggurat, the broken civilisation of the ice trolls, who'vegone mad after sacrificing their animal gods in an attempt to fightoff the Scourge.

17. trolls

17. Then you hand over King Lunshire`s letter to Troll King Pog (37) and ask for his help. Pog agrees to help you, but first needs you to do him a favor: The trolls` idol has been stolen, which is why they are on strike. Your task is to find and return the idol.

18. Alternately, you can steal the key to the troll prison (44) from King Pog or even kill all the trolls and get the key then. With the key, you can free the imprisoned troll, who will then free the passageway for you as a reward.

19. When you return the idol to King Pog, the trolls start freeing the passageway at once and end their strike; you decide to go back King Lunshire again to report of your success.

20. A moving tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, depicting his foolish attempt to train trolls for the ballet, hangs on the 7th floor of Hogwarts Castle, opposite the entrance to the Room of Requirement.

trolls 单语例句

1. She said the change probably dates back to a 1746 law banning parents from scaring their children with the likes of evil trolls and Santas.

2. Draw Something provides players the option of complimenting, lamenting or in the case of trolls - insulting your game skills.

3. Elton John designed a white lunchbox covered in colorful images of trolls.

4. The House of America has three doors guarded by two island trolls and three lackeys.

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