
trot是什么意思 trot在线翻译 trot什么意思 trot的意思 trot的翻译 trot的解释 trot的发音 trot的同义词 trot的反义词 trot的例句 trot的相关词组

trot [trɒt]  [trɑ:t] 


trot 基本解释

名词马的小跑; 人快步走; 摇摇摆摆学步的孩子; 〈古〉老太婆

不及物动词小跑; 快速前进; 赶紧

及物动词使小跑; 使快步走

trot 相关词组

1. trot out : 炫耀地出示, 骑马快步跑给人看, 提出...供赞同;

2. on the trot : 接连地;

trot 相关例句


1. trot的意思

1. My father used to trot me down for a visit.


1. trot的解释

1. Well, I must be trotting off home.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The small boy trotted along after his brother.

3. The horse trotted along the road.


1. trot的反义词

1. He broke into a trot.

trot 网络解释

1. 小跑:狐步舞起源于美国黑人的一种舞蹈,因其舞步为模仿狐狸(Fox)小跑(Trot)的姿态,所以叫做Foxtrot. 狐狸小跑时是用四条腿不断交替移动,左右交叉前进. 跳狐步舞时,同样也是左右脚交叉前进和后退,不会在一小节末了成并合步. 狐步舞移步平稳,

2. 快步:骑手进入比赛场地后,按照赛前下发的比赛科目表按规定的路线完成数十个规定动作(难易程度视比赛级别而定),这些动作主要由马的慢步(walk)、快步(trot)、跑步(canter)三种基本步度构成.

3. trot的解释

3. 系泊小船的浮筒绳索曳绳钓:trot 连环系泊浮 | trot 系泊小船的浮筒绳索;曳绳钓 | trot 系泊小船的浮筒绳索曳绳钓

4. 小步走;狐步:march 行军;进军 | trot 小步走;狐步 | wobble 颤抖地走

trot 词典解释

1. 快步走;小步跑
    If you trot somewhere, you move fairly fast at a speed between walking and running, taking small quick steps.

    e.g. I trotted down the steps and out to the shed...
    e.g. They trotted along behind him…

2. (马等)小跑;骑马小跑
    When an animal such as a horse trots, it moves fairly fast, taking quick small steps. You can also say that the rider of the animal is trotting .


    e.g. Alan took the reins and the small horse started trotting...
    e.g. Pete got on his horse and started trotting across the field.

3. 接连地;持续地
    If something happens several times on the trot, it happens that number of times without a break.

    e.g. She lost five games on the trot...
           她接连输了 5 场比赛。
    e.g. Sales of new cars rose in May for the second month on the trot.
           5 月份新车的销售量连续第二个月攀升。

相关词组:trot out

trot 单语例句

1. Someone I knew from grad school used to trot out political slogans and - with a wink - turn them into smut.

2. Following Osvaldo's lead, we take off at a trot and ascend a long hill.

3. The walk home turns to a trot and soon I'm leaping in giant strides, to give Liu Xiang a run for his yuan.

4. Martin admitted Coldplay is nervous to trot itself back out in front of audiences.

5. Man and beast stare at each other for a while until the fox decides the situation is harmless and breaks into a leisurely trot.

trot 英英释义



1. a gait faster than a walk
    diagonally opposite legs strike the ground together

2. a slow pace of running

    Synonym: joglope

3. a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)

    Synonym: ponycrib



1. run at a moderately swift pace

    Synonym: jogclip

2. cause to trot

    e.g. She trotted the horse home

3. ride at a trot

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