
trucked是什么意思 trucked在线翻译 trucked什么意思 trucked的意思 trucked的翻译 trucked的解释 trucked的发音 trucked的同义词 trucked的反义词



trucked 基本解释


trucked 双语例句

1. Then they are trucked to what animal welfare groups describe as death camps on the edges of the city.

2. He had trucked you, that must have been a reason.

3. In America, essentially all farmed animals will be trucked around at least once in their lives.

4. Most of the aid is being trucked into the city, though some is arriving by airplane.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Have more resources been trucked in from other planets?

6. Water had to be trucked in to the town.

7. Soil from new building projects in the city has been trucked by lorries into these areas.

8. Wildness means your paddle floats away and is consumed by beavers, not your bicycle is stolen and trucked to Chicago.

9. Wildness means your paddle floats away and is consumed by beavers, not your bicycle is stolen and trucked to Chellocago.

10. Here, they were offloaded and trucked to the laboratory by the agency.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. They trucked the goods over immediately.

12. Green City Growers opens later this year and will grow lettuce and herbs on 14 acres of once-abandoned lots, selling produce to nearby hospitals and competing with goods trucked in from Californian farms.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. He ordered tons of fertile topsoil to cover the grounds to a depth of five feet and full-grown specimens of the plants were trucked up the mountain for planting.

14. While the gown is now reduced to being trucked round the world to a series of ever-drearier locations so people can pay enough money to gawp at it.

15. trucked

15. The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state.

16. Before water was disconnected, residents were encouraged to store water in buckets and other containers, while the local authorities trucked in thousands of tons of bottled water.

17. trucked是什么意思

17. Trees can be trucked to the field in 50-gallon drums one-third full of water.

18. The trainer had seen these dogs before, she said & dogs trucked up the East Coast, traumatized by the journey and moved from shelter to shelter.

19. trucked

19. The EV1 were trucked to Mesa, AZ, stripped of tires and batteries, subjected to an 18 crush, then trucked back to smelters in California. It is estimated that GM spent about $600 to destroy each EV1 instead of selling them for $25, 000 each.
      EV1被用卡车运到Mesa,AZ,卸掉轮胎和电池,送进18 粉碎机,然后用卡车运回加利福尼亚州冶炼厂,据估计,通用汽车为销毁EV1花费约每辆$600,而出售的话每辆可卖到$25,000。

20. The goods were trucked to a warehouse.

trucked 单语例句


1. Hundreds of swamp white oak trees have been trucked in to provide a canopy over the memorial plaza.

2. But Chinese junk dealers say shipments normally dock at Nanhai port in Guangdong, are sorted in warehouses and then trucked to villages around Guiyu in Chaoyang county.

3. With roads to the devastated areas reopening to relief vehicles Tuesday, more supplies were trucked in.

4. The goods were being trucked south to the city, or carried on barges.

5. The local authorities have trucked in drinking water and found other sources for the residents affected by the spill.

6. Residents have been relying on water trucked in from a town 23 kilometres away.

7. Cotton batting, sponge and straw were trucked in to absorb the coal tar in the Dasha River.

8. Some rescuers complained the excavation work was difficult with their simple tools, and heavy machines could not be trucked in on the submerged roads.

9. One breakaway unit trucked in stones to block streets in attempts to prevent government troops from moving in heavy weapons.

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