
truss是什么意思 truss在线翻译 truss什么意思 truss的意思 truss的翻译 truss的解释 truss的发音 truss的同义词 truss的反义词 truss的例句

truss [trʌs]  [trʌs] 


truss 基本解释




truss 相关例句


1. The policeman trussed up the thief with ropes.

2. The robbers trussed him up and locked him in the bathroom.


1. He was bearing a truss of trifles at his back.

truss 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 桁架:NASA於佛州当地时间9月3日正式启动发射倒数计时,预定9月6日发射,将重达16ton的P3桁架(Truss)和P4号综合桁架(Integrated Truss Structure)与2套编号P4的巨大太阳能电池板(Solar Cell Panel)送上国际太空站(ISS,

2. 架:今天的我们,拥有全郑州乃至全省内最齐全和先进的设备--雷亚架舞台、全铝玻璃舞台、全铝大型灯光架(TRUSS)架、雷亚架(LAYHER)、线振音响、大型灯光等设备. 我们还拥有最深厚的技术功底、最精采的演出团队和最具智慧及经验的策划设计精英;

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 灯光架:灯光系列:电脑灯、PAR灯、回光灯、追光灯、聚光灯、成像灯、激光灯、观众灯、探照灯、天幕灯、地排灯、灯光控制台、灯光架(truss)等. 音响系列:力素(NEXO)系列、Meyersound系列、周边.

4. 盘头带垫:Bugle 喇叭头 | Truss 盘头带垫 | Pozi 米制槽

truss 词典解释

1. 扎紧;绑紧;捆紧
    To truss someone means to tie them up very tightly so that they cannot move.

    e.g. She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.

2. (烹调前)把(鸡等的)腿和翅膀扎紧
    If you truss a bird such as a chicken, you prepare it for cooking by tying its legs and wings.

    e.g. Put stuffing into the cavity and truss the bird.

3. (治疗疝气用的)疝带
    A truss is a special belt with a pad that a man wears when he has a hernia in order to prevent it from getting worse.

相关词组:truss up

truss 单语例句

1. They then guided astronauts Stephanie Wilson and Doug Wheelock as they used the station's robotic arm to detach the huge truss.

2. Truss said he also did not believe that bilateral FTAs necessarily detract from the global trading regime.

3. While the roof truss design is complex, manufacturing them is not once the design is complete.

4. The only visual change in the outpost will be the addition of a small spacer segment to the station's exterior truss.

5. Truss said progress so far was " mixed " and emphasized the need for patience.

6. Two steel truss structures hold the screen, which is about 20 meters long and 12 meters wide.

truss 英英释义


1. (architecture) a triangular bracket of brick or stone (usually of slight extent)

    Synonym: corbel

2. a framework of beams (rafters, posts, struts) forming a rigid structure that supports a roof or bridge or other structure

3. (medicine) a bandage consisting of a pad and belt
    worn to hold a hernia in place by pressure


1. support structurally

    e.g. truss the roofs
           trussed bridges

2. secure with or as if with ropes

    e.g. tie down the prisoners
           tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed

    Synonym: tie downtie upbind

3. tie the wings and legs of a bird before cooking it

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