
tub是什么意思 tub在线翻译 tub什么意思 tub的意思 tub的翻译 tub的解释 tub的发音 tub的同义词 tub的反义词 tub的例句 tub的相关词组

tub [tʌb]  [tʌb] 


tub 基本解释

名词桶; 澡盆; 矿车

及物动词把…装入桶; 为…洗盆浴


tub 相关词组

1. in the tub : 破产;


tub 相关例句


1. They consumed a tub of beer.

2. I've been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub.

3. tub是什么意思

3. He grows roses in tubs on the terrace.

4. She washed the clothes in a tub.

5. The child is eating a tub of ice-cream.

tub 网络解释

1. 浴缸:Q:我的洗手盆(sink)、浴缸(tub)、淋浴(shower)下水道为什么会堵塞?Q:我的坐便器(toilet)下水道为什么会堵塞?Q:用通渠液(liquid drain cleaner)进行通渠是否有效?A:通渠液(liquid drain cleaner)的主要成分是强酸,

2. tub

2. 桶:因为火药库扩大,火囊为桶(Tub)型,四六厘米炮的情况人力变得更加难以对待,吴制作了与实物一般大的木造模型进行研究. 为了防止由于航空母舰化的重心上升确保复原性,飞机库一层为止. 但这样稳定性还是不足,

tub 词典解释

1. (大小不一的)桶,盆,缸,盆
    A tub is a deep container of any size.


    e.g. He peeled the paper top off a little white tub and poured the cream into his coffee...
    e.g. Shrubs can be grown in tubs or large containers.

2. 同 bathtub。
    A tub is the same as a bathtub .

    e.g. She lay back in the tub.

3. see also: hot tub

tub 单语例句

1. The calf was slowly put into the tub, and a team of cooks poured in bottles of soy sauce and cooking wine.

2. The actor was arrested earlier this week and questioned by police after a photographer accused him of attacking him with a tub of baked beans.

3. The grounds include a detached three bedroom guesthouse, a tennis court and swimming pool with hot tub.

4. Owner Angela Chittenden knows the largest body of water her customers are likely to dip into is a hot tub.

5. Reading a book is like filling the tub with water from one steadily flowing faucet with each thimble of information building upon the last.

6. Constellation rooms come with an alfresco terrace tub, ideal for soaking up South China Sea views.

7. Teri Hatcher uses old wine and lets the sediments sink to the bottom of the tub.

8. The newspaper ran photos Wednesday showing the actor holding a plastic tub over his head.

9. A nice soak in a hot tub was what the man needed.

10. When he entered, he found the creature lying in the tub.

tub 英英释义


1. a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body

    Synonym: bathtubbathing tubbath

2. a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids

    Synonym: vat

3. the amount that a tub will hold

    e.g. a tub of water

    Synonym: tubful

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