
tumble是什么意思 tumble在线翻译 tumble什么意思 tumble的意思 tumble的翻译 tumble的解释 tumble的发音 tumble的同义词 tumble的反义词 tumble的例句

tumble [ˈtʌmbl]  [ˈtʌmbəl] 


tumble 基本解释

不及物动词跌倒,摔倒; 被绊倒; 倒塌; 翻来覆去,翻腾

及物动词使跌倒; 使完全翻转; 弄乱,搞乱; 推翻,颠覆

名词摔倒; 混乱; (价格,价值等)暴跌; 翻筋斗

tumble 相关词组


1. take a tumble : 恍然大悟;

tumble 相关例句


1. I could just see her face and her tumbled hair.


1. The boy tumbled down the stairs.

2. tumble是什么意思

2. Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates.

3. Quite accidentally, the police tumbled on the answer to the mystery.


1. The child is practicing a tumble.

tumble 词典解释

1. 滚下;摔倒;跌落;翻滚而下
    If someone or something tumbles somewhere, they fall there with a rolling or bouncing movement.

    e.g. A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape...
    e.g. The dog had tumbled down the cliff…

2. (物价等)暴跌,剧降
    If prices or levels of something are tumbling, they are decreasing rapidly.

    e.g. House prices have tumbled by almost 30 per cent in real terms since mid-1989...
           房价自 1989 年中期以来实际上暴跌了近 30%。
    e.g. Share prices continued to tumble today on the Tokyo stock market.

3. (水)冲刷,滚滚流过
    If water tumbles, it flows quickly over an uneven surface.

    e.g. Waterfalls crash and tumble over rocks.
    e.g. ...the aromatic pines and tumbling streams of the Zonba Plateau.

4. 突然闯入(某地);陷入,浑然不觉地进入(某种状态)
    If you say that someone tumbles into a situation or place, you mean that they get into it without being fully in control of themselves or knowing what they are doing.

    e.g. Many mothers and children tumble into poverty after divorce...
    e.g. There's no thought more pleasing than the prospect of tumbling into my apartment and slamming the door.

5. see also: rough and tumble

相关词组:tumble downtumble over

tumble 单语例句

1. And despite the rough and tumble his body has taken, his enthusiasm has only grown by the day.

2. Panic spread in China's stock market on Wednesday as key indices continued to tumble due to major falls in blue chips.

3. The specially shaped pistons and a smart set of valves make the air tumble, creating more efficient combustion.

4. Wednesday's tumble came after a top legislator warned of bubbles in the stock market, prompting worries that the regulators might step in to cool down the market.

5. Chinese shares took another tumble on Friday as investors panicked at the government measures to rein in excess liquidity and cool down the stock markets.

6. Shanghai stocks rebounded yesterday in an ongoing correction after the country's two bourses suffered their biggest tumble in a decade on Tuesday.

7. Analysts said the tumble on Wall Street caused by disappointing jobless and retail data has left investors doubtful of a US economic recovery.

8. Iran is also being forced to dip into reserves meant for use when oil prices tumble.

9. As local governments with stretched finances rely on land sales for their revenues, a tumble in this area could spell disaster.

10. Audi AG believes that its China sales will continue to grow this year, although its global sales are expected to tumble due to the world financial crunch.

tumble 英英释义


1. a sudden drop from an upright position

    e.g. he had a nasty spill on the ice

    Synonym: spillfall

2. an acrobatic feat of rolling or turning end over end


1. do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully

2. suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat

3. put clothes in a tumbling barrel, where they are whirled about in hot air, usually with the purpose of drying

    e.g. Wash in warm water and tumble dry

4. fall suddenly and sharply

    e.g. Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency

5. understand, usually after some initial difficulty

    e.g. She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on

    Synonym: catch onget wiseget ontolatch oncotton ontwigget it

6. throw together in a confused mass

    e.g. They tumbled the teams with no apparent pattern

7. roll over and over, back and forth

8. fall down, as if collapsing

    e.g. The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it

    Synonym: topple

9. fall apart

    e.g. the building crumbled after the explosion
           Negotiations broke down

    Synonym: crumblecrumplebreak downcollapse

10. fly around

    e.g. The clothes tumbled in the dryer
           rising smoke whirled in the air

    Synonym: whirlwhirl around

11. cause to topple or tumble by pushing

      Synonym: toppletip

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