
tuna是什么意思 tuna在线翻译 tuna什么意思 tuna的意思 tuna的翻译 tuna的解释 tuna的发音 tuna的同义词 tuna的反义词 tuna的例句 tuna的相关词组

tuna [ˈtju:nə]  [ˈtu:nə] 

第三人称复数:tuna; tunas

tuna 基本解释

名词金枪鱼罐头; <鱼>金枪鱼(科),鲔鱼; <植>金枪仙人掌

tuna 网络解释

1. 鲔鱼:产品描述 成分:鲔鱼(TUNA)白身鱼、纤维素、海藻粉末、蛋白质分解酵素、人工胶质(凝胶)、维他命类、矿物质类等 |化毛球的肉罐,排毛球效果达88%‖有耐热性蛋白质分解酵素,海藻粉及纤维素,具有除毛球机能,安全可靠且可长期使用

2. 金枪鱼:另外鳕鱼(cod)适合清蒸,溜鱼片,马鲛鱼(mackerel)适合油炸, 彩虹鳟鱼(rainbow trout)可以红烧, 金枪鱼(tuna)罐头可以做汤下面, 常备应急. 说起英国的蔬菜,我只能用两个字来概括:遗憾. 英国本土蔬菜瓜果匮乏,除却土豆(potato),

3. tuna的反义词

3. 吞拿鱼:摆入蒸盘(一般的 瓷碟子就可以了),加料酒,白醋,盐,味精,适量的水,用保鲜膜包好后放如微波炉内,高段火力(high power)加热八分钟. (我用的是Salmon, 分两次加热,每次四分钟). 大白菜 6片 吞拿鱼(tuna)罐头 1罐

4. 鱼:还有一点是港人对很多食品的叫法让人觉得新鲜:比如他们叫草莓为士多啤梨(Strawberry),叫奶油为忌廉(Cream)奶酪为芝士(Cheese),叫金枪鱼为吞拿鱼(Tuna),叫香草为云尼拿(Vanilla)......你曾经看到港式食品的这些叫法吗?

tuna 词典解释

1. 金枪鱼
    Tuna or tuna fish are large fish that live in warm seas and are caught for food.

tuna 单语例句

1. Desperate to save as much as possible, she has started buying tuna canned in China because they cost less.

2. Albacore or " white " tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna.

3. Fishmongers check the quality of meat on frozen tuna fish before trading at Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market.

4. Healthier options are jacket potatoes with low fat fillings such as homemade coleslaw or tuna fish.

5. Migrants walk for days in extreme heat, often eating tuna and crackers handed out at migrant shelters in Mexico.

6. You might cringe watching Zimmern dig into jellied eel or tuna sperm, and may wonder what they might taste like.

7. The findings were particularly true for tuna and dark meat fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel and for diabetic women.

8. Drain a small tin or jar of tuna, break the fish into small flakes or chunks and scatter over the salad.

9. Lobbyists for the sushi and fishing industries insist that tuna is essential to sushi, and that controls on harvesting the fish would threaten traditional Japanese culture.

10. " Bluefin tuna is dwindling due to years of overfishing, " the European Union's executive arm said in a statement.

tuna 英英释义


1. New Zealand eel

    Synonym: Anguilla sucklandii

2. any very large marine food and game fish of the genus Thunnus
    related to mackerel
    chiefly of warm waters

    Synonym: tunny

3. important warm-water fatty fish of the genus Thunnus of the family Scombridae
    usually served as steaks

    Synonym: tuna fishtunny

4. tropical American prickly pear of Jamaica

    Synonym: Opuntia tuna

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