
turn on是什么意思 turn on在线翻译 turn on什么意思 turn on的意思 turn on的翻译 turn on的解释 turn on的发音 turn on的同义词 turn on的反义词

turn on [tə:n ɔn]  [tɚn ɑn] 

turn on 基本解释

打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等); (使)感兴趣; (使)兴奋; 发动

turn on 情景对话


A:How safe is this area?

B:Oh, well, you should lock the doors and turn the security system on when you leave, but it really isn’t too bad.


A:Really? Do you live nearby?

B:Yes. As a matter of fact, I live about two blocks north. I’ve never had any problems, although there have been a few break-ins recently.


B:The security system should take care of that, though. The entrance to the subway is not far from here..

turn on的反义词

A:That’s true. Is the neighborhood trying to do anything about the security?

turn on

B:Well, we’ve set up a neighborhood watch program. We caught a guy a couple of months ago.

A:All right, well, let me think about it.

turn on 网络解释

1. 开:其计算(evaluation)后结果为一逻辑值上式利用&& (and) 将两个 Pattern 求值的结果合并成一个逻辑值.当AWK读入的资料列使得 Pattern1 成立时, AWK 会打开(turn on)当AWK读入的资料列使得 Pattern2 成立时,

2. 开启:若要让 Linux 能自动的启动/停止单独式服务,您得设定服务的启用 (Enable)和停用 (Disable) 的状态,以便 Linux 能在转换至某一个 Runlevel 环境时自动的开启(Turn On) 或关闭 (Turn Off) 该服务.

turn on 词典解释

1. 打开(设备);接通(…的供应)
    When you turn on a piece of equipment or a supply of something, you cause heat, sound, or water to be produced by adjusting the controls.

    e.g. I want to turn on the television...
    e.g. She asked them why they hadn't turned the lights on.

2. 诱惑;激发…的性欲
    If someone or something turns you on, they attract you and make you feel sexually excited.

    e.g. The body that turns men on doesn't have to be perfect.

3. 突然表现得;突然装出
    If you say that someone turns on a particular way of behaving, you mean that they suddenly start behaving in that way, and you are often also suggesting that this is insincere.


    e.g. He could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded.

4. 对…进行身体(或语言)攻击;斥责
    If someone turns on you, they attack you or speak angrily to you.

    e.g. Demonstrators turned on police, overturning vehicles and setting fire to them...
    e.g. He turned on Pete and accused him of being mixed up in drugs.

5. 依靠;取决于
    If something turns on a particular thing, its success or truth depends on that thing.

    e.g. The plot turns on whether Ilsa will choose her lover or her husband.

turn on 单语例句

1. Palestinians in turn agreed to act against what Israel calls " ticking bombs " - assailants on their way to attack Israelis.

2. Weigh down the cabbage by putting a heavy object on top and leave to soak about two to three hours until they turn limp.

3. But some studies have shown that residual stem cells that fail to differentiate can turn cancerous later on.

4. The second generation began to turn to service industries, particularly those expected to capitalize on a huge domestic demand within China.

5. But the 1986 PGA champion caught fire heading into the turn, carding birdies on seven of his final 10 holes.

6. Ma exclaims and hurries to the dark kitchen, careful to turn on his flashlight first and not to tread on the wire himself.

7. Sweatshops cashing in on exploited labor to turn out cheap goods will find their days numbered.

8. Their concerns became reality when contact on Turn 2 sent cars flying through the air, crashing into each other and into the outside wall and catch fence.

9. Afghanistan on Friday banned the use of a fertilizer chemical also used to make bombs, giving farmers and other holders a month to turn in their supplies.

10. You can chill out with your guests or give them a few pointers and turn them loose on the town.

turn on在线翻译

turn on 英英释义



1. become hostile towards

    e.g. The dog suddenly turned on the mailman

2. get high, stoned, or drugged

    e.g. He trips every weekend

    Synonym: triptrip outget off

3. cause to operate by flipping a switch

    e.g. switch on the light
           turn on the stereo

    Synonym: switch on

4. stimulate sexually

    e.g. This movie usually arouses the male audience

    Synonym: arousesexexcitewind up

5. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused

    e.g. The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks

    Synonym: agitaterousechargecommoveexcitecharge up

6. produce suddenly or automatically

    e.g. Turn on the charm
           turn on the waterworks

7. be contingent on

    e.g. The outcomes rides on the results of the election
           Your grade will depends on your homework

    Synonym: depend ondevolve ondepend uponridehinge onhinge upon

turn on是什么意思,turn on在线翻译,turn on什么意思,turn on的意思,turn on的翻译,turn on的解释,turn on的发音,turn on的同义词,turn on的反义词,turn on的例句,turn on的相关词组,turn on意思是什么,turn on怎么翻译,单词turn on是什么意思
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