
turning是什么意思 turning在线翻译 turning什么意思 turning的意思 turning的翻译 turning的解释 turning的发音 turning的同义词 turning的反义词

turning [ˈtɜ:nɪŋ]  [ˈtɜ:rnɪŋ] 


turning 基本解释

名词转向; 旋转; 转弯处; 车工工艺

动词转动; 扭转; (使)变成; “turn”的现在分词

turning 网络解释

1. 车削:1.4 钝边(Root face)焊件开坡口时,沿焊件方向未开坡口的端面部分叫钝边. 1.5 根部半径(Root radius)在J型、U型坡口底部的半径叫根部半径. 刨 削(planing), 车 削(turning)3、 焊接残余变形(welding residual deformation)的分类

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. (流转起舞):习惯从<<流转起舞>>(Turning)的爱尔兰鼓开始,像循着轮回的通道走到了秘密花园的以钢琴领起的<<追梦人>>(Dream catcher)<<跨越日光>>(Beyond the Sundial),聆听<<抒情小调 >>(Adagio in Minor)紧随着让灵魂开始<<萨拉邦德舞>>(Zarabanda),

3. turning的意思

3. 车削加工:Mastercam包括了铣削加工(milling),车削加工(turning),线切割加工(wire EDM)等主要模块,适用于机械设计与制造的各个领域. 多段连线(POLYLINE)是由直线和圆弧首尾相连组合成的复合线段,绘制多段连线采用PLINE命令,类同于绘制直线和圆弧.

turning 词典解释

1. 转弯处;拐弯处;岔路口
    If you take a particular turning, you go along a road which leads away from the side of another road.

    e.g. Take the next turning on the right.

turning 单语例句

1. For starters, financial failure is not the only cause of international business marriages turning sour.

2. Early this year SSL bought the other 50 percent share from Double Butterfly, turning the joint venture into a wholly controlled company.

3. Eager car buyers who miss out in Beijing's highly competitive license lottery are now turning to court auctions to fight over seized vehicles.

4. But that doesn't alter the fact that the act of blogging is turning out to be more of a spectator sport than we originally thought.

5. Only farmers in the poorest regions choose to earn cash as miners by necessity, turning to the mining work.

6. Having an optimistic attitude is much, but turning optimism into action is more.

7. By turning an ordinary day into a shopping festival, shopping itself has become tradition and a way to celebrate.

8. Some married couples are overwhelmed by the crowds of " robbers " at their offices and are concerned that the lucky money tradition is turning sour.

9. " We call it a turning point for capital markets, " Hu said.

10. In the morning, the wheels of the camper van are turning again as the travelers head eastwards.

turning 英英释义



1. act of changing in practice or custom

    e.g. the law took many turnings over the years

2. the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course

    e.g. he took a turn to the right

    Synonym: turn

3. the activity of shaping something on a lathe

4. the end-product created by shaping something on a lathe

5. a movement in a new direction

    e.g. the turning of the wind

    Synonym: turn

6. a shaving created when something is produced by turning it on a lathe

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