
turtle meat是什么意思 turtle meat在线翻译 turtle meat什么意思 turtle meat的意思 turtle meat的翻译 turtle meat的解释 turtle meat的发音

turtle meat

turtle meat 双语例句

1. Animals eat it fowl, cattle and sheep liver, turtle, dark meat fish, sea cucumber.

2. The main establishment of the Company for many years, mainly the sale of turtle meat products a year can be produced 6000-10000 kilograms of turtle meat.

3. Please Run for nourishing food, such as succulents Clearing fruits (melon, grapes, pears, the Kai, sugar cane), celery, spinach, Lily, Tremella, duck, sea cucumbers, icefish, turtles, turtle meat.
    适宜 请润滋补的食物,比如多汁清润的水果(西瓜、葡萄、梨、楷把、甘蔗)、芹菜、菠菜、百合、银耳、鸭肉、海参、银鱼、龟肉、鳖肉等。

4. turtle meat是什么意思

4. Soup made from a calf's head or other meat in imitation of green turtle soup.

5. According to the private sector prescription, lung cancer patients can also eat Gecko, tortoiseshell and paste, turtle meat, rice and other Ziyin nourishing food.

6. turtle meat什么意思

6. Fuqifeipian Mapo tofu dumplings 10 minutes Long Chao Shou country Kawakita Bean duck Center Street; Long Chao Shou, Tam Tam Lai dumpling noodles artillery three small carp jelly bean, Galinsoga intestinal crisp, diving chickens, children burn lines Guoba soft-shelled turtle meat, steamed Galinsoga East Star Spot, spicy broth juice Tsai praised wings, sweet longan burning white, Spice Hui Guorou home-egg smell of urine, water Bullfrog Suantang cabbage, Jiang Bao King in Ap ribs, green mandarin fish Law, Ma, Fissidens sesame soup cans tile, and the first Rong Bone, parsley Geely pills, a fish stand, Ermaojiza pot simmer, Behind Xiangqian wild chickens, Luo their ears Prince, Zhahai Law Hui Guorou water cabbage, Jiang Bao King in Ap ribs, Ma Law green mandarin fish, sesame characteristics Fissidens Huang Lading, the head of public chicken, carp postal kiosk, to pull the Jiu Chi-sheng E Chang Hong Shaorou Mother, Mother did not eat fish

7. turtle meat

7. Finally, the familiar soft-shelled turtle, turtle soup and outside of the cans of soup, so soft-shelled turtle meat in the soup has the taste, is said to taste great.

8. The modern Chinese medicine pharmacy research expresses turtles contain big value of medical function, Turtle's meat, tortoiseshell, turtle blood, turtle gall and turtle urine can go into the medicine.

9. Third, he thought turtle meat must be good for the heart and kidneys.

10. A tacos restaurant in Arizona, the US, which has already served up python, alligator, elk, kangaroo, rattlesnake and turtle, will now be adding lion meat to its menu, AP reported.

11. turtle meat的翻译

11. Turtle meat is canned and sold as a delicacy.

12. In some areas they are hunted very heavily for their meat, as they are a popular ingredient in turtle soup.

13. turtle meat的反义词

13. That evening, the Wus were enjoying the turtle meat.

turtle meat 单语例句

1. Putra stopped turtle fishing for fear of being caught, but he still eats the meat.

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