
twinkle是什么意思 twinkle在线翻译 twinkle什么意思 twinkle的意思 twinkle的翻译 twinkle的解释 twinkle的发音 twinkle的同义词 twinkle的反义词

twinkle [ˈtwɪŋkl]  [ˈtwɪŋkəl] 


twinkle 基本解释

不及物动词闪烁; (眼睛)闪亮; 经光照耀而)闪闪发光; (舞蹈者的双脚)轻快地移动

及物动词闪闪发出; 使闪烁; 使闪亮; 使轻快地移动

名词闪光; 瞬间,一刹那; (眼睛的)闪亮; (脚的)轻快移动

twinkle 相关例句


1. twinkle的近义词

1. She twinkled her straight toes.


1. The stars twinkled in the sky.

2. twinkle是什么意思

2. Her eyes twinkled with delight.


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The stars twinkled in the sky.

2. There was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

twinkle 网络解释

1. 闪光:他的成名武器是弯刀,他同时使用两把魔法武器:闪光(Twinkle),一把可以发出星光的弯刀,还有冰亡(Icingdeath),一把魔法寒刃,因他和朋友沃夫加(Wulfgar)杀死的那条白龙而得名.

2. twinkle

2. 星闪闪:) 22、<<星闪闪>>(Twinkle)(两男一女,一段假凤虚凰的婚姻. 23届日本金像奖) 23、<<春光乍泄泄>>--------(张国荣、梁朝伟全裸大胆演出,激动人心) 24、<<妖街皇后>>(BlackSreet)-(著名导演杨帆作品,著名男模林伟亮领衔) 25、<<霸王别姬>>-------(大场面、大明星星,

3. 闪烁,闪耀:22. sunflower 向日葵 | 23. twinkle 闪烁,闪耀 | 24. serendipity 意外新发现

4. 闪烁:22. sunflower 向日葵 | 23. twinkle 闪烁 | 24. serendipity 意外新发现

twinkle 词典解释

1. 闪烁;闪耀
    If a star or a light twinkles, it shines with an unsteady light which rapidly and constantly changes from bright to faint.

    e.g. At night, lights twinkle in distant villages across the valleys.
    e.g. ...a band of twinkling diamonds.

We always decorated a grand 6m pine tree on our front lawn with soft, twinkly blue lights.
我们总是给屋前草坪上一棵 6 米高的大松树挂上柔和闪烁的蓝灯。

2. (因感到有趣或高兴而眼睛)闪亮,发光
    If you say that someone's eyes twinkle, you mean that their face expresses good humour or amusement.


    e.g. She saw her mother's eyes twinkle with amusement.

She describes him as kind, warm, compassionate, with the most naughty twinkly blue eyes.

twinkle 单语例句

1. The wine of choice to go with either caviar or oysters must be champagne, that celebratory sparkler that puts the twinkle into the eager lover's eye.

2. It is impossible to hate those who have a twinkle in their eye and are sharing a smile or a laugh with you.

3. With a twinkle in his eye, he said that all of tonight's guests were not suitable for membership.

4. Rosewood went on stage and saw Leonardo sitting on the side, he had a naughty twinkle in his eye.

5. Miniature lamps light up the wine shelf, and bottles of aged Scottish whisky twinkle in the lamplight.

6. Sometimes he'll be my worst critic and he'll go'No mommy not'Twinkle Twinkle', not tonight.

7. Social smiles use only the mouth muscles whereas true smiles cause the eyes to twinkle and narrow and the cheeks to rise.

8. As night fell they could see the lights twinkle on in Najaf.

9. His eyes twinkle in thought as he surveys the silent horizon far ahead.

10. The stunning skyline is even more breathtaking when outlined by the twinkle of festive decoration and color.

twinkle 英英释义


1. merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance

    e.g. he had a sparkle in his eye
           there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes

    Synonym: sparklesparklight

2. a rapid change in brightness
    a brief spark or flash

    Synonym: scintillationsparkling



1. gleam or glow intermittently

    e.g. The lights were flashing

    Synonym: flashblinkwinkwinkle

2. emit or reflect light in a flickering manner

    e.g. Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star?

    Synonym: winklescintillate

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