
uncompromising是什么意思 uncompromising在线翻译 uncompromising什么意思 uncompromising的意思 uncompromising的翻译 uncompromising的解释

uncompromising [ʌnˈkɒmprəmaɪzɪŋ]  [ʌnˈkɑ:mprəmaɪzɪŋ] 

uncompromising 基本解释

形容词不妥协的,坚定的; 不肯通融的; 强硬的,坚决的; 不屈的,严厉的

uncompromising 相关例句


1. She often takes a hard, uncompromising attitude.

2. He is too uncompromising to excuse the children's mistakes.

uncompromising 网络解释

1. 不妥协:永不妥协(Uncompromising) 卡拉姆佐夫审判长不仅具有公正无私的声名,同时对那些没能完成使命的人同样严厉无情,所以在他附近12英寸内的友军单位,在士气测试或者压制测试失败的时候可以重掷一次骰子.

2. uncompromising在线翻译

2. 不妥协的:unadvised 轻率的 | uncompromising 不妥协的 | unconcerned 冷漠的

3. 不妥协的,强硬的:truce 休战 | uncompromising 不妥协的,强硬的 | UNSCOM [名词]联合国武器调查特别委员会

4. 不屈服的:14 understanding 善解人意的 | 15 uncompromising 不屈服的 | 16 stubborn 固执的

uncompromising 词典解释

1. 不妥协的;不让步的;坚定的
    If you describe someone as uncompromising, you mean that they are determined not to change their opinions or aims in any way.

    e.g. Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician.

The company had once been uncompromisingly socialist...
He states uncompromisingly that he is opposed to any practices which oppress animals.

2. 不折不扣的;十足的
    If you describe something as uncompromising, you mean that it does not attempt to make something that is shocking or unpleasant any more acceptable to people.

    e.g. ...a film of uncompromising brutality.

...the uncompromisingly modern decor.

uncompromising 单语例句


1. His critics portrayed him as an uncompromising and hotheaded conservative who shut out or retaliated against any voices of caution or dissent.

2. " I am what I am " represents another uncompromising affirmation of individuality and celebration of diversity.

3. Styled by Pininfarina, the FF's lines effortlessly reflect its signature uncompromising balance of sportiness and versatility.

4. He withdrew an earlier version after being warned by liberals within the Church it was too uncompromising and likely to alienate many Catholics.

5. Former opponents paid tribute to a player known as a rugged, uncompromising defender.

6. We do this by enabling our customers to achieve uncompromising operational standards while using the least amount of energy and water and generating less waste.

7. Her uncompromising streak underlines her newfound confidence having almost disappeared from many fans'radars following her last grand slam success at the 2008 Australian Open.

8. Hamilton's message to Formula One officials after the race was uncompromising.

9. Magath has been perceived not only as an uncompromising coach but also as a man reluctant to show his emotions.

10. Zhao is uncompromising in his refusal to show contemporary art in old socialist realism style.

uncompromising 英英释义


1. not making concessions

    e.g. took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks
           uncompromising honesty

    Synonym: sturdyinflexible

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