
unconventional是什么意思 unconventional在线翻译 unconventional什么意思 unconventional的意思 unconventional的翻译 unconventional的解释

unconventional [ˌʌnkənˈvenʃənl]  [ˌʌnkənˈvɛnʃənəl] 

unconventional 基本解释

形容词非常规的; 非传统的; 不依惯例的; 通脱自喜

unconventional 网络解释

1. 非传统的:uncontrolled 不受控制的 | unconventional 非传统的 | unconventionality 非常规

2. unconventional的反义词

2. (形容词):convention(名词-惯例、常规) | unconventional(形容词) | 21 diversity n. 多样性

3. 非常规的:uncontrolled 不受控制的 | unconventional 非常规的 | unconvertible 不能变换的不能兑换的

4. 破格 不受对手特性影响:ぶきよう Disuse 废弃 不能使用持有道具 | かたやぶり Unconventional 破格 不受对手特性影响 | きょううん Bad Luck 厄运 被会心一击的几率较高

unconventional 词典解释

1. (人、态度、行为)不遵循传统的,异于常人的,标新立异的
    If you describe a person or their attitude or behaviour as unconventional, you mean that they do not behave in the same way as most other people in their society.

    e.g. Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius...
    e.g. He was known for his unconventional behaviour...

2. (做事方式)非传统的,不寻常的,非一般的
    An unconventional way of doing something is not the usual way of doing it, and may be rather surprising.

    e.g. The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique...
    e.g. Despite his unconventional methods, he has inspired pupils more than anyone else...

unconventional 单语例句

1. Its reputation as a breeding ground for unconventional artists spread by word of mouth.

2. The cause of action in the case of Apple was rather unconventional.

3. There are those that argue that an unconventional education means children have difficulty in adjusting themselves to the world later on in life.

4. Another six to 12 states could come into play before their unconventional campaigns draw to a close.

5. It has been known that Western intelligence services began cooperating with Libya after Gadhafi abandoned his program to build unconventional weapons in 2004.

6. China has massive reserves of unconventional gas that could supply as much as 336 million cu m per day by 2030.

7. It reveals a deep understanding of society, and a willingness to explore unconventional artistic approaches.

8. While women should defend their right to dress, unconventional or outrageous dressing in public could send a signal the subject may not intend.

9. The craft showcases an unconventional design that intrigues viewers and displays the province's best characteristics.

10. The " unconventional " projects are designed to replace aging fields and reverse the decline in the company's output of the past five years.

unconventional 英英释义


1. not conforming to accepted rules or standards

    e.g. her unconventional dress and hair style

2. not conventional or conformist

    e.g. unconventional life styles

3. not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention

    e.g. an unconventional marriage
           improper banking practices

    Synonym: improperunlawful

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