
uncovered是什么意思 uncovered在线翻译 uncovered什么意思 uncovered的意思 uncovered的翻译 uncovered的解释 uncovered的发音 uncovered的同义词

uncovered [ʌnˈkʌvəd]  [ʌnˈkʌvərd] 


uncovered 基本解释


动词揭开…的盖子( uncover的过去式和过去分词 ); 揭露,发现

uncovered 相关例句


1. Don't leave food uncovered.

uncovered 网络解释

1. 暴露:在弹出这些状态之后,开始处理这个规则之前,分析器处在暴露(uncovered)状态下. 使用这个暴露状态,和在规则左手端的符号,进行实效上的移进 A. 获得一个新状态,压入栈中,并继续分析. 在处理左手端符号和记号的普通移进之间有一个重要的区别,

2. uncovered的意思

2. 步步杀机:只不过这次她没打算亲自上阵,而是利用替身秀臀和美背. 凯特.贝金赛尔和前夫迈克尔.辛(MichaelSheen)的女儿今年九岁. 至今为止她只真正在一部电影中裸露过,那就是1994年的<<步步杀机>>(Uncovered),片中贝金赛尔有三个裸体镜头.

3. 未轧平:Uncovered interest arbitrage 有汇率波动风险的套利操作 | Uncovered 未轧平 | Unmatched 未抵消

4. 无盖的:uncover 揭开 | uncovered 无盖的 | uncreate 使不存在

uncovered 词典解释

1. 无覆盖物的;无遮盖的;未盖盖子的
    Something that is left uncovered does not have anything covering it.

    e.g. Minor cuts and grazes can usually be left uncovered to heal by themselves...
    e.g. The uncovered bucket in the corner stank.

uncovered 单语例句

1. Her new short do uncovered a tattoo running down the back of her neck, which has been hidden for years by her hair extensions.

2. Security forces also uncovered a cache of bombs inside the city of 4 million.

3. After the identity was uncovered, the police soon found his workplace and the licence plate number of his car.

4. University of Michigan researchers just uncovered that eating something tasty can spark brain cells that sense actual pleasure to start firing rapidly.

5. The new rules follow analyses by The Associated Press and others that uncovered flaws that overstated the actual job numbers by thousands.

6. The female Yuan was arrested after the scandal was uncovered in August, but prosecutors did not have enough evidence to charge her with kidnapping or coerced prostitution.

7. The newspaper said detectives uncovered the plan while monitoring people on the fringe of the Fathers 4 Justice campaign group just before Christmas.

8. The local governments will see a deduction in rewards or subsidies if misuse is uncovered, or a suspension from the reward and subsidy list in serious circumstances.

9. WASHINGTON - Researchers have uncovered a new clue to the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

10. A visit to 10 cooked meat stores at a few wet markets in Guangzhou uncovered that half were selling roast ducks as roast geese.

uncovered 英英释义


1. not covered with clothing

    e.g. her exposed breast

    Synonym: exposed

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