
undeniable是什么意思 undeniable在线翻译 undeniable什么意思 undeniable的意思 undeniable的翻译 undeniable的解释 undeniable的发音 undeniable的同义词

undeniable [ˌʌndɪˈnaɪəbl]  [ˌʌndɪˈnaɪəbəl] 

undeniable 基本解释


形容词无可争辩的; 不可否认的,无法抵赖的; 确实优秀的; 无可疵议的

undeniable 反义词


undeniable 网络解释

1. 不可否认:但它确实传送了一种我们未曾经历的和无法想象的美和静谧的启示.这种美和静谧(serenity)是我们所不能描述的,因为人们创造语言的目的是表达我们这个世界的各种意义,无法轻易地运用于另一个世界.不可否认(undeniable),一切伟大的艺术都具有使人有超尘脱俗的浮想的力量.在某种状态下,

2. 不可否认的:the disputed areas 争议区域 | undeniable 不可否认的 | undermine 破坏

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 無法否認的:Undeliverable 無法投遞的 | Undeniable 無法否認的 | Under oath 在誓言下

4. 无可否认的:undemonstrative /不露感情的/腼腆的/ | undeniable /无可否认的/ | undenominational /不属于特定宗教派别的/

undeniable 词典解释

1. 不可否认的;无可争议的;确凿无疑的
    If you say that something is undeniable, you mean that it is definitely true.

    e.g. Her charm is undeniable.
    e.g. ...the undeniable fact that she was driving with almost twice the legal limit of alcohol in her blood.

Bringing up a baby is undeniably hard work.

undeniable 单语例句

1. With the country now producing nearly as many top calibre basketball players as footballers, the quality of the Spanish squad is undeniable.

2. It is undeniable that the Singapore trip did help add to the knowledge and experience of these teachers.

3. Whatever the case, a close connection between debased behavior and corruption is undeniable.

4. What seems undeniable is that a subset of people spends so much time porn gazing online that they are damaging their relationships.

5. It is undeniable that China has achieved a great deal in both economic growth and social progress in the past three decades.

6. The undeniable fact that deficiency in sound rescue knowledge poses a threat to people's lives deserves our immediate attention.

7. It is undeniable that a large proportion of such officials are somewhat disloyal to the CPC and the government.

8. It is an undeniable fact that highway toll across the country is quite high, because of which some people evade or try to evade them.

9. All he needs to do is get the gold at the London Olympics next year, which will certainly make him the undeniable GOAT.

10. Funny how the dark, undeniable truth hits like a hammer when you see a number on a scale.

undeniable 英英释义



1. not possible to deny

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