
undertake是什么意思 undertake在线翻译 undertake什么意思 undertake的意思 undertake的翻译 undertake的解释 undertake的发音 undertake的同义词

undertake [ˌʌndəˈteɪk]  [ˌʌndərˈteɪk] 


undertake 基本解释

及物动词承诺; 保证; 承担,从事; 同意,答应

undertake 相关例句


1. We undertook a trip to the west.

2. I can not undertake that you will make a profit.

3. The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. I undertook to teach the children English.

undertake 情景对话


B:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.


A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.
      依我的资格和经验,我觉 得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。

undertake 网络解释

1. 承担:如,许诺(promise),定约(contract),承担(undertake)等;(4)行为式(bebabitives),奥斯汀指出这是一个很杂的类,与态度和社会行为有关. 如,道歉(apologizing),祝贺(congratulating),辱骂(cursing)等;塞尔这里所说的词和世界之间的适应方向是指词与世界之间的关系.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 开始:一着手开始(undertake)研究,就需要及时进行分析,并跟给设计团队的其他人分享交流. 把人都招到一起开个会,以视觉的形式传达研究的结果并把可能会出现的情况描绘出来,有助于让大家聚焦在用户研究的基础上. 书面的研究报告常常存档后就被甩到一边了.

3. 承接:try试图 | undertake承接 | volunteer志愿

undertake 词典解释

1. 着手做;从事;承担
    When you undertake a task or job, you start doing it and accept responsibility for it.

    e.g. She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.

2. 承诺;保证;答应
    If you undertake to do something, you promise that you will do it.

    e.g. He undertook to edit the text himself.

undertake 单语例句


1. China Real Estate Credit Fund has commissioned the China Real Estate Index Research Institute to undertake nationwide research on business credibility in real estate enterprises.

2. The China Democratic League's members meet to discuss state affairs, undertake social investigations and work out proposals for the capital's construction.

3. The initial US draft called on all states to undertake and facilitate inspection of cargo to and from North Korea to ensure compliance with sanctions.

4. Press and publication departments should strengthen the regulation of CD duplicating enterprises and undertake severe punishment for illegal production.

5. After China officially overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy, some countries have made a greater clamor that Beijing must undertake more international responsibilities.

6. Lee said the government will undertake a comprehensive review of the scheme in 2013.

7. The group is also qualified to undertake project engineering, construction and auxiliary supply.

8. As long as the plans address the needs of the district with " lasting impact ", the councils may choose to undertake construction work or a service scheme.

9. The Party encourages farmers to undertake the collective growth of cotton, sugar plants and potatoes in areas with suitable resources and environment.

10. It will also look to undertake more joint venture development projects and refine its current technology in line with changes in customer's requirements.

undertake 英英释义



1. enter into a contractual arrangement

    Synonym: contract

2. promise to do or accomplish

    e.g. guarantee to free the prisoners

    Synonym: guarantee

3. enter upon an activity or enterprise

    Synonym: set aboutattempt

4. accept as a charge

    Synonym: take in charge

5. accept as a challenge

    e.g. I'll tackle this difficult task

    Synonym: tackletake on

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