
unequal是什么意思 unequal在线翻译 unequal什么意思 unequal的意思 unequal的翻译 unequal的解释 unequal的发音 unequal的同义词 unequal的反义词

unequal [ʌnˈi:kwəl]  [ʌnˈikwəl] 


unequal 基本解释


形容词不平等的; 不均匀的; 不规则的; 不胜任的


unequal 同义词

unequal 反义词



unequal 相关例句


1. unequal在线翻译

1. He was unequal to the job.

2. Her feet are of unequal size.

unequal 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 不平等:这一意图在实际播放后其结果是失败的,尽管它对贫富儿童都产生了好的教育效果,但对节目接触和利用最多的还是富裕儿童,<<芝麻街>>的播放加剧了原本存在的接触和利用媒介机会上的不平等(unequal).

2. 不平衡的:unemployment 失业 | unequal 不平衡的 | uneven 不平的

3. 不平等的, 不同的, 不平衡的, 不胜任的:training meeting 训练会议 | unequal 不平等的, 不同的, 不平衡的, 不胜任的 | gallein [化] 因 (用作染料或指示剂)

unequal 词典解释

1. 不平等的;不公平的
    An unequal system or situation is unfair because it gives more power or privileges to one person or group of people than to others.

    e.g. This country still had a deeply oppressive, unequal and divisive political system.
    e.g. ...the unequal power relationships between men and women.

...unequally distributed assets...
The victims were treated unequally.

2. 不能胜任的;力不能及的
    If someone is unequal to a task they have to do, they do not have the abilities needed to do it well.

    e.g. Her critics say she has proved unequal to the task...
    e.g. He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice.

3. (大小、力量或数量上)不均等的,不对等的
    Unequal means being different in size, strength, or amount.


    e.g. The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length.

unequal 单语例句

1. Their wages and the unequal wealth distribution system are sustained by a primitive and unstable social contract that is beyond the protection of the law.

2. The statutory code of old Tibet stipulated that people were unequal in status by dividing people into three classes and nine ranks.

3. Combining the index framework with relevant statistics in 2001 and 2002, the research group compared the unequal pace of different regions and analyzed reasons for it.

4. The issue of fairness in education is vital and relates to unequal opportunities, highlighted by significant differences in admission rates for top universities between rural and urban students.

5. Supreme Court's landmark declaration that separate schools for blacks and whites were " inherently unequal, " marked the start of the modern civil rights movement.

6. Some lawyers have even suggested that the applicants who suffered unequal treatment can seek compensation for discrimination.

7. He pledged to address the SAR's most pressing problems, citing the unequal distribution of wealth and chronic housing issues.

8. The government of China recognises the unequal distribution of wealth and corruption.

9. China is one of the most unequal societies in terms of wealth distribution.

10. On the whole, the current unequal consumption pattern will continue until the world economic landscape undergoes fundamental changes.

unequal 英英释义



1. lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task

    e.g. inadequate training
           the staff was inadequate
           she was unequal to the task

    Synonym: inadequate

2. poorly balanced or matched in quantity or value or measure

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