
uneventful是什么意思 uneventful在线翻译 uneventful什么意思 uneventful的意思 uneventful的翻译 uneventful的解释 uneventful的发音 uneventful的同义词

uneventful [ˌʌnɪˈventfl]  [ˌʌnɪˈvɛntfəl] 

uneventful 基本解释


形容词平静的; 平凡的; 无特别事件的; 无惊人事件的


uneventful 网络解释

1. uneventful什么意思

1. 太平无事的:unevenness 不平坦 | uneventful 太平无事的 | uneventfully 太平无事地

2. 无重大事故的:uneventexture 不匀结构 不匀质地 | uneventful 无重大事故的 | unevenwear 不匀磨损

3. 太平无事的/平静无事的:unevenness /不平坦/不均/ | uneventful /太平无事的/平静无事的/ | uneventfully /太平无事地/

4. 平凡的,平安无事的:normally: 正常地,通常地 | uneventful: 平凡的,平安无事的 | sweaty: 出汗的,吃力的

uneventful 双语例句

1. After an uneventful voyage, my brother and I landed in a fancy Chinese restaurant in down-town Manhattan.

2. uneventful

2. Having had an uneventful pregnancy and no family history to expect this condition, imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first born, brand new baby boy, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfect and abnormal.

3. uneventful的翻译

3. Results: All of 19 patients who received simple insertion and regular change of ureter stents experienced consistent improved renal function. Of 5 patients treated with antegrache or retrograde endoscopic ureterotomy/dilation and long-term indwelling of Di stent, 4 showed recovered and stable renal function, and 1 changed to nephrostomy because of unsatisfying outcomes. Three patients received permenant nephrostomy after unsuccessful endoscopic attempts and remained functionally uneventful.

4. uneventful的解释

4. Many people do not understand why the choice of resignation Yuanming归田, do not understand why his poems as uneventful as this, does not seem to smell a trace of salt.

5. It was just one of those uneventful days in February or March of 1975. A misty drizzle, along with sporadic snow flakes, was falling incessantly towards the Earth.

6. And, may you erase the uneventful memory of this year

7. New year was uneventful. She had some friends down from London.

8. The cause can be something as normally uneventful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane.

9. My point is that we need to take responsibility for our uneventful deaths while we can.

10. There was nothing uneventful about his life.

11. uneventful的解释

11. Your life is not uneventful, but you can cope without apparent difficulty.

12. The post-operative course of the patients was uneventful, without evidence of infection or devitalization of teeth contiguous to the interdental osteotomy sites.

13. uneventful的意思

13. Race 1 was pretty uneventful, in race 2 I made a good start and when Jorg Müller and Alain had a contact at the chicane, I managed to pass Alain, who had lost speed and the best line.
      第一阶段比赛我的表现不太理想,而第二阶段我的发车非常不错,当Jorg Muller和Alain在一个S弯发生碰撞之后,Alain的速度减慢并丢失了赛车线,于是我成功超越了他。

14. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for other the greatest treasures of their house.

15. Since long, we become the life analogy a small boat which goes on the sea, is sometimes uneventful, problem-free; The mighty waves are sometimes turbulent, boat sailing against the current; Also has that hidden rock rapids, virtually impossible to guard against.

16. In hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful one.

17. uneventful的解释

17. In-su, a concert lighting director, who was leading uneventful married life and Seo-young, 26-years old homemaker who had married at early age, heard the news of automobile accident of each other's spouses on one day, and moreover, they came to know the fact that they were having affairs each other.

18. I had lived a placid, uneventful, sedentary existence all my days-the life of a scholar and a recluse on an assured and comfortable income

19. uneventful的近义词

19. The race was uneventful except for the press conference on the steps of the Capitol in which his campaign accused me of being a draft dodger.

20. uneventful

20. My childhood and adolescence was uneventful.

uneventful 词典解释

1. 无惊人(或重大)事件的;平凡的;平静的
    If you describe a period of time as uneventful, you mean that nothing interesting, exciting, or important happened during it.


    e.g. The return journey was uneventful, the car running perfectly...
    e.g. It was rare for her to have an opportunity to discuss her dull, uneventful life.

The five years at that school passed fairly uneventfully.

uneventful 单语例句

1. " I think it's finished really, " the McLaren driver told reporters after finishing fourth in an uneventful European Grand Prix.

2. The day will be uneventful socially, though you may receive news of a relative coming to town.


uneventful 英英释义



1. marked by no noteworthy or significant events

    e.g. an uneventful life
           the voyage was pleasant and uneventful
           recovery was uneventful

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