
unison是什么意思 unison在线翻译 unison什么意思 unison的意思 unison的翻译 unison的解释 unison的发音 unison的同义词 unison的反义词 unison的例句

unison [ˈju:nɪsn]  [ˈjunɪsən, -zən] 

unison 基本解释


名词和谐; 一致,协调; 共同(做某事); (音乐中的)齐唱

unison 相关词组

1. in unison : 和谐, 一致, 一齐;

unison 相关例句


1. unison的反义词

1. My feelings are in unison with yours.

2. unison

2. They answered in unison.

unison 网络解释

1. 齐唱:第三课的歌曲演唱形式:独唱(solo)、齐唱(unison)、二重唱(duet)、领唱(lead)、合唱(chorus)等. 有时也会是音乐家的小故事. 我认为结合了学科专业的双语教学,才是真正意义上的双语教学. 在中学实验双语课,由于受学生英语水平的限制,

2. unison

2. (同音):-每种音色(patch)都存储有2个画面(Scenes),以便用户对音色进行分层或分拆;-振荡器调频、同步、同音(unison)和环形调制(ring-modulationWinRAR 是 32 位 Windows 版本的 RAR 压缩文件管理器 - 一个允许你创建、管理和控制压缩文件的强大工具.

3. unison的近义词

3. 齐奏:大家在这儿可以看出一个人的战栗和迟疑不决,可以看出由一个crescendo所表现的心绪的紧张;大家也能从加了弱音器的小提琴和一个长笛的齐奏(Unison)上,听到隅语和叹息 这种力求表情真实的功夫做到哪一步为止呢?

4. unison的意思

4. 和谐:L 忠诚(Loyal)的O 用心(Observant)要V 勇敢(Valiant)的让你看见,让你时刻感受到E 喜悦(Enjoyment)Y 愿意(Yes) 和我一起承担未来的U 和谐(Unison)的二人世界

unison 词典解释

1. 同时;一起
    If two or more people do something in unison, they do it together at the same time.


    e.g. The students gave him a rapturous welcome, chanting in unison: 'We want the king!'...
    e.g. Michael and the landlady nodded in unison.

2. 和谐地;一致地
    If people or organizations act in unison, they act the same way because they agree with each other or because they want to achieve the same aims.

    e.g. For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison, today's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable...
    e.g. The international community is ready to work in unison against him.

unison 单语例句


1. When several Parties act in unison for purposes outlined in the preceding paragraph, they shall count as one entity.

2. The rest make music silently through sign language, wearing white gloves as their hands perform an elaborate choreography in unison.

3. This study in global unison is quite typical of the Chinese aesthetic, combining Western classicism with Chinese touches.

4. They will congregate in Penglai city in Shandong Province to sing Ode to Peace in unison.

5. The young boys and girls read the oath of the adulthood ceremony in unison and saluted the statue of Confucius.

6. At the teacher's cue, they shout their lesson in unison.

7. I soon scurried to the door like a damned ghoul as guests pointed and laughed in unison.

8. It is a holistic feeling stretching from the interior to the exterior, a perfect unison of details and layout and passion combined with quietness and enthusiasm.

9. His team got the cells to develop into heart cells, which then beat in unison.

10. With the video for her brother's song " Scream " playing on a screen behind her, she mimicked his dance moves in unison with the video.

unison 英英释义



1. (music) two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch or in octaves

    e.g. singing in unison

2. occurring together or simultaneously

    e.g. the two spoke in unison

3. corresponding exactly

    e.g. marching in unison

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